The Dam Voyagers

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Percy P.O.V.

Hermes, Annabeth, and I looked into the powerful, dark, and suffocating hole in front of us. Were we ready for the nine day trip into Tartarus? That's a looooong fall. Nine days. Like, who decided that going to Tartarus would take nine days? UGHHHH. We didn't want to be starving on the long trip so we packed an extra nine day's worth. Yeah about your question, how are we going to eat as we hurtle down a long tunnel? Well, Leo had built us a humongous prototype of his Archimedes Sphere except it's sort of like a building.. you know? Well, there's a hatch like door and a navigation system so we can tel how close to Tartarus we are and so we have a smooth and soft landing wherever we land. He made it fire proof and basically impact proof, if we landed on hard core cement we'd be perfectly safe. I know, Wise GIrl has a brilliant brain, don't remind me. And Leo worked extra hard and put Buford the table in somehow and a ATM for drachmas so we can iris message camp. We also have a weaponry and a kitchen. In case we wanted to microwave our food. And it's quite portable. If you press this one button it turns into a mini Archimedes sphere that fits in my pocket. And the best feature yet!!!  Just like Riptide, it comes back to my pocket safe and sound.  So we basically have more comfort after the fall too. BEST SHELTER EVER. Fangirl moment. Gasp. Breathe Percy breathe.

Annabeth P.O.V.

As we drove to Hade's palace with Percy's arm around my shoulders, I could feel that PErcy's arms were tense with anxiety. I tried to ignore the bad feelig rolling aruond in my stomach. I half heartedly joked around with Hermes and Percy, but we were all pretty nervous and eventually stopped trying. I looked out the window and tried to savor as much of the sunlight and nature as possible . All our planning was ready and to the point. We had this conch shell phone that Hephaestus, Percy, and Poseidon had come up with that could contact Poseidon when we were at the Doors. We needed Poseidon to push the button from up there too, you know.  And the phone only works when Poseidon or his descendants touch it so nobody unwanted will contact us or be contacted. The conch shell was all Percy's idea. He's becoming smart, I rub off on him hahaha.  As Hermes started talking about the shelter I proposed that we name it.

Percy: Hmm... Octopus?

Hermes: NOOO! Definetely LUKE SKYWALKER!!! 

Annebeth: Eew about Daedalus?

Hermes and Percy: NO ARE YOU CRAZY? 

Percy: I got it. The Dam Voyager.

Annabeth: Ohh from when you guys went to Hoover Dam without me? Hmph..

Hermes: Sounds cool enough. How'd you come up with Daedalus. That was the worst. So The Dam Voyager it is. The Dam Voyagers, on a mission no one has accomplished before.  WE can do this, WE will make it through, am I right?

Disclaimer: However much I wished I was creative I didn't come up with Percy or any of the characters. Next chapter will be a BOB POV. I'm so excited. I can't wait. BUT again none of these charcters are mine. sOOOO EXCITED FOR BOB POV>>>>>>

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2015 ⏰

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