seven 일거

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,, Namjoon"
" Yes sir"
" This should be him, look"

He stood up from his seat to see what his boss was doing

,, This guy"
" It can't be, i know him"
" Namjoon. You know him?.
" Well we went to school together before, he's name is like Jin-im-ji something idk, i just know he's a brat"
" Namjoon, did he ever hurt anyone "
" I really don't know"
Silence filled a room untill one of them spoke up
" It doesn't matter, we need more proofs anyways, go back to work"


" Jungkook. Jungkook wake up"
Jimin shook him to wake him up, moving hair strands from his face to see him better"

" Bitch stop ok ok i heard you first time "
" Ik i just don't care"

He sat down at his computer to work on a presentation for school when he noticed the red little light blinking in the corner of the camera on the top of the monitor
" Jungkook"
Jungkook entered the room handing Jimin a bowl of ramen
" Thank you but look"
Younger looked over to the monitor noticing the same thing Jimin did
" Is this legal?"
" Idk" jimin giggled at how cute his face expression was
" Jimin what did you do now"
" Nothing"
" Jimin"
" Nothing ok i thought you trust me "
" Not really but * he showed some ramen in his mouth* if police or some shit breaks in really soon, it's not my fault" .
" Uh i know"

He picked up his phone to text the only person he thought he could trust



Sent 7:50 am

What do you want now -


-Lisa you know how i told you if

you ever tell someone, you will not live a long life?


-Good that you know. You might need it ..



" What was that"
" What "
" The message you sent me"
She came in the class literally running to him

He explained her everything.
" I swear i didn't say anything"
" It better be"
" Maybe they just found you i mean it could be your fault"
" Nonsense"he said avoiding any eye contact
" I mean you don't know "

" Jimminie"

' fuck no'

" Can you tf stop with that nickna- what do you want ? "

" You don't like the nickname huh Jimminie"
" Shut up" he stood up knowing he can't do anything rn but still

" Ah your so short "
Jimin sat back down ignoring the comment, don't fight with idiots, it's all they know
Jimin was walking back home from school when he stopped at the basketball court that was close to, he sat down on the bench doing something on his phone, he got 2 A's today in school, so there was nothing special to study or whatever.
It was about 11 PM when someone approached him

" Jimminie"
" Fuck off i told you"
" Ah Jimminie, a little boy like you shouldn't be out this late "
" I'm warning you"
" Omg! Threatening? Are you gonna tell your parents? " He chuckled knowing it's his weak spot

Jimin's father died in a plane crash and his mom from a heart attack, almost right after they kicked him out.

" Dont ever, say something like that again"
" Oh cmon Jimminie i just want to play"
" Go away it's the last time i say it"
" Uh ..i bet your father would like to see you socializing with people once in a year from underwater or wherever he is now"

Jimin was soon about to burn, he wanted to kill him and throw him in the lake

" You really dont know what your putting your self into uh?
" Show me then"
Jimin knew he couldn't do anything in the middle of the city so he just grabbed his backpack turning around to face him, millimeter away from his face
" be careful walking back home, you never know how many people are following you " the older said before leaving

His FBI Agent [Yoonmin] Where stories live. Discover now