fifteen 열 다섯

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( Jimin's pov)
* Few days later*

Jimin entered the court and stood where the cops told him to. It was about 5 minutes untill people started entering the room and the lawyer sat down on her place.

Jimin started shaking already. What if Yoongi doesn't make it? His palms were sweating and his heart was bearing faster then ever.
( why am i so nervous rn)

Just before lawyer was ready to start someone entered the room holding tons of papers in their arms.
Jimin turned around to see Yoongi.
He gasped and nervously smiled when he saw him.

With no words Yoongi walked past everyone and stood in front of the lawyers table, his back facing the - audience(?)

He put the papers down on her table and she took a look.
Yoongi whispered something and it took about 20 minutes untill the lawyer nodded and Yoongi left leaving the documents to them. He sat next to one of the strangers getting ready to see what's gonna happen. No, he knew what was gonna happen.

" Ok everyone, my name is Moonbyul and I'm your lawyer today. We gathered here because of the crimes committed by - * she paused to read the name " Park Jimin.

Jimin nodded hardly swallowing and looking the lawyer straight in her eyes.
She looked down at the documents untill she choosed the one and started reading
" Park Jimin, killed 3 people while he was drunk at the party one week ago. Is that right? "

Jimin was confused for a second but then nodded knowing it was all a part of the process.

" Yes ma'am"

" By the laws of this country, if the person kills 2+ people intentionally, they get the punishment and that is getting sentenced to death."

Jimin slightly gasped but then nodded.
He had to trust Yoongi. There was no other exit.

" But. * She looked up making eye contact with Jimin* Your murders apparently weren't intentional, however, the punishment needs to be given. But. There was a lot of names on the list i received this morning. And the list of the people you murdered was huge, untill it.. somehow turned out it was a misunderstanding. "

Jimin sighed in relief but not noticable so i doesn't look suspicious, and just nodded again.
" The clothes you wore on the cameras and before you got put in the jail were extremely overpriced for a normal college student who doesn't have a job, your jewelry * she grabbed a necklace with the diamond on it and showed it to everyone" is also really pricy, could you explain where do you get the money from? "

Jimin thought for a second again and nodded
" I got a lot of clothes for my birthday and for Christmas, from my family and my friends, jewelry is from my grandparents, they were really wealthy before but before they passed away, they said I could take some jewelry if i liked it, that necklace you got on your table now miss, is from my Grandma"

' d* is he so good at lying"
Yoongi thought and lightly smirked what made a few people around him look at him in a confusion

The lawyer nodded and kept on looking at the papers.
" However, we do got things filmed on cameras but we don't have any proof it was u, but, the height is the same, the hair strands are the same colour, and the style" she said putting her pen down on a table crossing her hands like

 " However, we do got things filmed on cameras but we don't have any proof it was u, but, the height is the same, the hair strands are the same colour, and the style" she said putting her pen down on a table crossing her hands like

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(Yes..I'm sorry if some of this doesn't make sense idk what I'm doing )

Then she picked up few photos and passed them to a man next to her who walked over to Jimin and showed him

" Miss, that's not me, also it looks like this is taken late at night and i don't leave my house so late becouse i got to study a lot so i go to sleep at about 8 PM every night. "

Man walked back over to the lawyer
" I still don't have proofs for that, but."

She stopped and looked around
" Because of some other things and the suggestions from my co-workers..i decided your punishment."

She picked up a hammer (?) From the table
" Park Jimin, Me, Kim Moonbyul, is punishing you .."

Jimin already started sweating

" with 10 years in prison"
Jimin smiled and nodded in relief
He was so happy but he couldn't show it because he didn't want it to be suspicious

The lawyer hit the table(?) With the hammer and signed a few papers before standing up

" Thank you everyone for coming" she bowed and left together with other people

Few policemans approached me and they put the handcuffs on my hands when Yoongi walked over to us. He showed them his FBI license and took my hands and they left.

He looked me in the eyes before i spoke up

" I knew you were gonna make it"
" Don't make me regret it ok?"
Jimin giggled and right now everyone left the room leaving only them 2 in it.

" I should take you to back to your cell now"
Jimin sighed because that was not how he wanted to meet Yoongi again. He wanted to stay a little longer but he knew he didn't have a choice.

" Are you okay? "
" Thank you, Yoongi, i- i don't know what i would do without you ..."
Yoongi smiled and kissed Jimin's head from the back and then pulled him away
" We have to go now, i don't want to be prisoned with you" they both laughed and Yoongi walked Jimin to the front doors of the court. Few policemans waited in the cars outside and Yoongi just waved at them telling them to wait a little.

" Promise me we'll meet again one day?" I looked at him not breaking the eye contact

" Of course, il come to visit you later...but i won't be able to come every day ...i got a lot of work to do.."
I stared at him for a little as the world stopped spinning around me. Wow.  It didnt take long for Yoongi to lean into me.  I closed my eyes and no one around us mattered at the moment as we shared our last kiss... maybe even the last one ever.
He pulled away after about 10 seconds we walked over to the police cars
" Mr. Min"

" Take him to his cell"
They nodded and Jimin got in the car with cops on both of his sides

Yoongi bent down so he could see Jimin through the open window of the police car and waved.
Jimin just smiled back since the cops held both of his hands tight, and they drove off.


I know the first chapter doesn't even have 20 views but I'll post this one, even if it's for one person.

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