eighteen 십팔

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He turned his head to see the younger in a deep sleep, mouth open a little bit, just enough to breath, few hair strands covering his face.


At this point he couldn't stand it anymore, he tried to get up as silent as possible to not wake the others up, he noticed half of  Jungkooks blanket fell off the bed and it was pretty cold.

But just when he picked up the blanket -

" Jimin. ? W-what are you -"
" No no go back to sleep, i just gotta get something.. I'll come back quicky" he patted Jungkooks head softly as if his life depended on it, and he soon fell asleep again.

Jimin went to the closet and pulled out one of Jungkooks extremely oversized Hoodies and slid it over his shirt, also finding some shoes to put on.

He needed new clothes just, not now .

As soon as he was outside, the cold breeze hit him straight in the face.
He inhaled and exhaled deeply before pulling out a cigarette and putting it between his lips.

At this point it was just as when it all started, well, how the dream started .

Cigarette..cold..alone..just different clothes and mind full of things that are killing him on the inside.

The streets were empty, absolutely no one to be seen, barely any cars passing by too.

The road was covered in water and his hair was wet from the rain that had just stopped pouring.

On his way to ..nowhere .. he saw a small shop with the lights on, so guessing the shop was open..at 4 am, he reached into the pockets of Jungkooks hoodie to check if there was any money in it, luckily he found a few dollars, Jungkook won't be mad anyways.

Entering the shop he noticed a woman sitting half asleep by the cash register, writing something on the paper. She looked up at him with wide eyes surprised anyone would be entering the store at this time, cz not a lot of people does.

He bowed closing the door behind him and woman calmed down, losing the thought of him being a robber that she had just a few seconds ago.

" How can I help you?"
He looked around to see a shop being really small, just enough space for two or three people to walk around.

" These cigarettes, please" he pointed at the ones he wanted and the woman nodded hanging it to him.

" And , " he picked up a lollipop hanging it to the woman. As soon as he payed he unwrapped a lollipop putting it in his mouth, and fixing his hair before waking out.

Just as he stepped out of the shop he heard a gasp in front of him. He looked up and the lollipop barely fell out of his mouth.

A familiar figure was standing in front of him. But no darkness could ever stop Jimin from recognizing the person he loved instantly.

" YOONGI YOU MOTHERFUCKER " Jimin jumped on him hugging him tightly carefully pulling the lollipop out of his mouth,  and earning a hug back from the older.

" JIMIN !"

Jimins legs were wrapped around Yoongi as he was holding him, Yoongis eyes never looked deeper. ' should i kiss him? '

After a long hug but before Jimin could make up his mind he was put down on the ground again by Yoongi.

" You haven't checked on me even once !!"
" IM SORRY OK, I had a lot of work ok, a lot "


The more Jimin stared at him the different Yoongi looked to him..Yoongi changed..he's under eyes were dark and he was pale, he didnt look extremely healthy..

His hair was really messy too, and he's clothes looked like he's been wearing the same outfit for a year now.

Yoongi pulled him into tight hug again, whispering in his ear " I'll tell you everything when I get a chance ok? But that's not now "

Jimin took a few seconds and realized..maybe he had some more important things to take care of.

He nodded lightly before Yoongi pulled away and finally connected their lips.

It felt so new but yet so old..and it felt like it lasted forever. Jimin wanted it to last forever. The person he couldn't stop thinking of for the entire decade was finally in front of him, all his.

After some time they heard a noise coming from behind them. They  turned around to see the woman in the store clapping and cheering for them.

The younger chuckled before looking at the olders eyes again with a smile. Yoongi smiled back at him looking down at him softly.

" I missed you so much Jimin, what are you even doing here in the middle of the night ?"

He looked down at the ground before looking up at him again
" I thought about you, i ..i thought you forgot about me..i needed to clear my mind "

" Imagine ..if i wasn't thinking about you like 10 minutes ago i probably wouldn't even meet you again" He chuckled again, sad but happy he doesn't have to worry anymore.

" Don't say that..i would never forget you Jimin...don't you think it was .. destiny? For us to meet ..this way ..not only how me met Right now but, like 10 years ago.."

" It was.."

The silence took over for the good 10 seconds, both of them completely lost in ... nothing
" We should probably go now it's really cold here "
Yoongi slid off his jacket putting it around the youngers shoulders

" But you will be cold -"
" Don't worry about that, come on I'll walk you home "
Yoongi kissed him again quickly before wrapping his arm around the younger's shoulders and started walking in the direction of the building.

At this point Jimins mind was clear. Yoongi ...didn't forget about him... but does he still love him tho?.

" I fell in love with my biggest enemy "

Jimin looked up at him again
" Hey " he punched his shoulder lightly
" Ok ok I'm sorry"
He smiled as they were in front of the younger's apartment.

" Keep the jacket i don't need it "
" But you don't live so close to her-"
Yoongi stopped him with a tight hug and a quick peck on lips before pulling away.

" See ya "
Jimin titled his head with a giggle before waving his hand once again and entering the building.


So i know i said this is the last chapter but, i think i should add at least a short one and then a sequel after it 😩 thank you so much for the views on this story, I've been inactive for a while but I'll post the final chapter soon. 💜

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