ch19. His Amaryllis

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Ashton's pov:

We heard a loud nock on the door. "Ms. Dila, it's an emergency!" Logan was yelling. We walked to the door and opened it. "Ms. Dila, please... there is alot of things going on in the company and we need our CEO!" He said stressing out. "We need you, please!" He was begging right now.

"I don't want to be the CEO of Black's series." Dila whispered. "But I hope you accept this my dear." Her father approached us. "This was my wish, please." Her dad grabbed her hand and kissed it. "Okay dad, as you wish." She hugged him and kissed his cheek. "I'll get prepared." She told Logan as she walked back to the closet.

I walked after her and gave her her suit jacket. Then I gave her sport shoes. "You are pregnant... don't wear highheels." I kissed her head, she looked at me with fear in her eyes. "Could you help me?" She asked and I stared at her. "I mean, I know you don't want money or anything but I really am scared, I think it's a huge company for me to lead and I need you-" I stopped her blabbering by kissing her soft lips. "Of course I would help my wife." I rested my forehead on hers. I stared into her blue eyes...

"What would I do without you..." she whispered. "I love you..." she added before pecking my lips. "Get dressed... we have work to do." She grinned.

~At the company:

We walked in together, Logan headed first. When we went into the conference room. We sat beside each other and Logan started giving us files. I would read one and approve or disapprove... Dila would sign it.

She was reading a file and I gave her one saying my approval on it. "Why did Logan gave me this file!" She whined giving it to me. "What is it?" I asked her looking through it. "I don't know, the whole papers are wrong... Logan!" She yelled and he walked in fast. "What kind of file is this?" She exclaimed at him angry.

"Calm down babe... I'll see what's wrong with it." I assured her. "Mr. Hawk, I'll do it-"

"Then you should have done it from the beginning, get out! Bring me the director parts, all of them." She talked loudly trying her best to stay calm. Logan nodded and walked out.

"Dila... you okay?" I asked her and she took a deep breathe. "I am trying to be okay!" She drank some water and took a deep breathe. "Why am I angry?!" She asked the air infrontof her... 'I just feel like killing someone right now... I need to calm down if you just think of anything else instead like food. What do you want to eat? I really can't focus... I want something salty, I just feel it.' She was talking to herself which was the cutest thing I ever seen.

"Dila?" I called waving my hand infront of her. "I want something salty." She announced looking at me innocently. "Ok. I can bring you something." I said and walked outside. I went to the cafeteria and ordered potatoes. I also thought she might use some mayo and pickles again.

When I got back I heard people inside the conference room. They were shouting, I walked in and saw Dila putting her head in her hands while they were in a chaos. "Hey! What's wrong?" I asked before putting the tray infront of Dila. "The payment are late." An employee said.

"Also no one got his salary." A girl said. "There should be promotions and yet there wasn't." Another said. "What about the raise! Mr. Black promised for a raise." I looked at Logan who noted everything.

"Alright, Mr. Black died and we are trying to do everything fast, give us some time... I'll handle it." I said and Logan took them out. I stared at Dila who was eating fast. "Slow down babe, you'll choke!" I said and she only smiled continuing to eat without stopping.

"Let's first give the employee their raise and salary." I suggested and saw Logan walk inside. "Okay, let me talk to the financial part... bring them in here." Dila ordered Logan who just nodded and went out.

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