ch4. His Amaryllis

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Ashton pov:

I walked inside my house and saw Zack running around with only his underwear. "NOOOO BAAATH!" he said as he crashed into my legs. I picked him up. "Ashton, where have you been?" Natalie asked. "With my son, Xavier.," I told her his name and she squealed. "Oh my god! Do you have pictures of him... wait! I am going to text Dila and send her photos of Zack..." she went to her phone. "Derek! Get Zack into the shower." She yelled from her room, Derek was sitting on the couch tired. "What's wrong?" I asked him putting Zack on my lap as I sat beside his father. "I have been running behind this freaking kid for three hours and I think I am going to pass out, I will never have another boy, I want a sweet little girl" he whined tiredly. "Fine, I'll get him to the bath," I said and picked him up,

I went to the bathroom and he was giggling as I NEVER let him go on the ground. Then, when I put him in the tube, he was about to jump out but I caught him. "Oh no, you naughty boy." He giggled as I took my shirt off and get in the tube with him. I opened the shower and we both screamed as it was cold, I adjusted it. We were both having a bath tube when I saw Natalie taking photos of us in the shower. "Hey, this is man privacy! Go out." I said and Zack nodded. "YEAH OUT!" he shouted standing up and pointing at the door. "I am putting this photo in your wedding." She threatened and Zack started dancing. She was now videotaping.

"He is like his father..." Natalie said laughing, "No way! I don't dance like that!" Derek whined as he tried to dance better but failed. I was crying out laughing right now.

When Zack was done showering, Natalie took him, I showered too, I decided to stay home and work here. I told Alexandra and she said she would bring me everything and reschedule my meetings.

I was in my home office, I had Dila's photo, our wedding photo. I put on my desk Xavier shoes. I was staring at them both. Natalie walked inside and smiled. "Are these his shoes?" She asked and I nodded. "Have you taken your medication yesterday?". She asked and I thought a minute, I nodded. "When I realized how much I missed in my son's life, I had a seizure but it stopped... I put the pill under my tongue as the doctor advised me.. it didn't continue much," I said and she looked at me sadly.

"It's fine-"

"It's not, your mother did this... at first, I thought that Dila cheated but that wasn't true... I knew it and when you came back with these symptoms... I was angry with Dila, but now... I think I can't be angry at no one... but our mother." She said looking furious.

"I am not mad at anyone, I should have trusted Dila, I should have..." I trailed off as I felt the stress took over me. I clutched my hands trying to stop it. "Oh my god! Derek... Derek!" I heard her scream. The doors opened and he walked in. "Give him a pill." He told her as they started searching for one, I had them in every room. Natalie opened a drawer and found them. She tried to put one in my mouth but I blacked out before I could realize.

I woke up as I felt cooing beside me. I saw myself in my room. I looked beside me, it was Xavier. I jumped and put him in my lap immediately. "My baby..." I said and he giggled. "You woke up. " I heard Natalie. She was standing there with Zack. Who wanted to play with Xavier. "I told Dila, I wanted to let Zack know his cousin... her mother is outside." She said with a very sad tone. "Thank you, Natalie," I said as I kissed my son.

Zack gets on the bed too as he tried to hold Xavier's hand. Xavier was looking around when I had an idea. I opened my laptop and showed him some toys, when he touches the screen, I would hit buy. I ordered so many I guess.

After a while, he started crying, I was afraid. I picked him up and went out. Dila's mother was sitting on a chair in the bar. "Oh, you hungry..." she cooed as Xavier reached for her. Natalie smiled at him. "I'll get his bottle ready," Natalie said as she went to his bag and took out the bottle with his milk.

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