ch9. His Amaryllis.

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Dila's pov:

I was in my black dress waiting for Ashton to come to my Uncle's house. I was pacing around in the living room. Dad and uncle were wearing suits. Mom was also wearing formal clothes. Josh had a tuxedo which I found weird. Mason had a formal white jacket and black jeans. "Don't stress.." mom told me. "Well, it's not my fault when I got a cute family who is willing to kill my son's father," I told her.

"We aren't going to kill him, we are just..." Mason started as he smirked at Josh. "Teach him a tiny lesson." Josh completed smirking. "Oh you two, I am so going to kill you if you touch him! I want no harm this evening." I ordered and they smiled innocently. "Yeah sure... whatever our princess wants," Josh said patting his eyelashes at me. I glared at him.

The doorbell was heard and I froze in my spot. I heard the door opened. I was so freaking nervous. Can you calm down! My brain yelled. I am about to be engaged! I was panicking. Yeah, not your first time so you better shut up. My brain thought and I saw Emily and Justin coming inside. "Good evening..." Justin said smiling. Emily approached me and hugged me. "I am so excited!" She squealed. I hugged her back. "Ashton needed backup," Justin said as he grinned. "Good to hear you are back together." He gave me a thumb up.

"Welcome please," I said gesturing them to the living room. I introduced them to my family. Then Ashton walked in with a bouquet and a box of chocolate. He handed me the bouquet, he was staring at me. "How could you be so beautiful." He said then was about to kiss my cheek when my dad cleared his throat. "You can sit here." He said, Ashton nodded and went to sit where dad said.

"Welcome..." mom started. "Hello, Mrs. Clive..." Ashton nodded. He was so nervous and that was clear. "Where is Xavier?" Emily asked excitedly. "He is sleeping.." I replied. "Can I see him?" She asked jumping. "Yeah sure..." I said as I gestured her to come with me. We went to my old room which still was my room.

When she saw him, she cooed and was so in love. "You know he is sooo freaking cute!" She squealed. Xavier opened his eyes and looked at her. "He is awake! Can I hold him?" She asked. "Um, yeah." I nodded and she picked him up. When he saw me he reached for me immediately. "He is afraid, but he will get used to you," I assured her. "You know, pregnancy did well to you... you look so freaking sexy.." she smirked. I laughed, "I want to get pregnant right now!" She demanded.

"You are married?" I asked her and she shook her head no. "I am engaged waiting for my wedding!" She said frustrated. "Ohhh, who is the man?" I asked her. "Justin.." she said and I looked at her shocked. "Well, he told me he loved me and I said no... then he freaking said that he is going to leave to another country and I realized I will miss him, it happened." She grinned.

"Let's go downstairs." She said and I nodded, Xavier didn't want to sleep again. I took him with me, I sat him on my lap as Justin and uncle were talking about business. Josh was listening and joining too.

Xavier reached for Ashton suddenly, Ashton picked him up and he was chuckling. He played with him. Until Justin interrupted "we came here to ask your permission..." he started. Ashton gave Xavier to Emily. "I want to ask you for your permission... I want to marry your daughter Dila Amaryllis." He said seriously.

"So you could leave her again?" Dad asked and everyone looked at him. "I would never do that mistake again." He promised. "You would hurt her again? Accuse her of something she isn't." then uncle asked and I sighed. "I won't do that... I didn't know what my mother and sister did." He sighed as he clutched his hand. I was afraid he would go into a seizure... "dad, uncle... please..." I said and they nodded. "Alright, you got the rings?" Dad asked and Ashton nodded. He took out the rings, both uncle and dad were telling each other to give us the ring.

"You do it!" Dad told uncle. "No, you do it. I don't want to..." uncle said as they fought mom took the rings out of the box and slide them into our fingers. "You are officially engaged." She announced. They looked at my mother, mom smirked at them. "Well, I want somebody to turn the music on." She said loudly and slow music was heard. "Let the first song to the newlyweds.." she smirked and winked at me. I had very wide eyes looking at my mother in disbelief.

Ashton gave me his hand and I took it. Mom guided us to the back yard where she arranged a whole ceremony. I saw a photographer and a video camera in his hand. He was videotaping us walking to the back yard, "this is my surprise for you... finally, I got to see you married... Ashton if you will excuse me... I need to give Dila something." She said as I followed her. "Get dressed in that." She pointed at a dark blue dress. "It was your mother dress... your uncle gave it to me to give it to you, he wanted you to be happy but he is mad at Ashton." She pointed out and I hugged her. "Thank you, mom!" I said and she helped me wear it.

When I get back where everyone was, I saw Ashton's wide eyes. Josh gasped along with Mason, "holy moly... is that my sister?" Mason said. "I thought she is ugly," Josh said playfully but earned a glare from everyone and especially my uncle. He wanted to go hit him but dad stopped him.

I danced a slow dance with Ashton, then everyone was dancing too. Emily with Justin, mom, and dad. Uncle with Xavier which was the funniest. Josh and Mason were bored. So they came and asked Ashton to step back as they wanted to dance with me.

I was tired and Xavier wanted to be fed, we took him upstairs, by us. I meant Emily, mom, and me. I was feeding him, "it's funny, even when I am wearing fancy clothes I still have to feed him." I told mom and she nodded. "He is so cute!" Emily said grabbing his hand.

When I was done... or he was done eating. I adjusted my dress, Emily picked him up... the door nocked and Ashton peeked his head. "Come in," I said and he did, Justin also came after him. "This little cutey... is from you?" Justin said as he pinched Xavier's cheek. "Well, I think he is all from Dila as he is beautiful and cute, also... gorgeous and so freaking cute.." Emily said, Xavier chuckled. "When are we going to get one?" She asked Justin who looked at her dead serious. "What?" He asked and she looked at him bored. She gave Xavier to Ashton and walked out. Justin walked after her.

Mom left already, "are you leaving for your house?" Ashton asked me and I nodded. "Could I drive you there?" He asked me. "Sure, let me get my things first then tell everyone my goodbye," I told him and he nodded. I gathered my stuff and Xavier's... I went to the backyard and told everyone goodbye, I walked out with Ashton. He got in the driving seat and I had Xavier in my lap sleeping.

When I reached the penthouse, Ashton had Xavier. He tucked him to bed, then he kissed my cheek and was about to leave when I invited him to coffee. We drank it on the balcony, on the swing.


I know it has been so freaking a long time but I swear, I am so freaking busy... And was sick for two weeks... 

So, hope you enjoyed reading...
Sorry for the mistakes...

Great thanks to BiniVarghese9 for your support... And I am sorry for the late updates.

Till next chapter


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