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So in every chapter I'm going to put a picture of Newt just to bless your little eyes. Thank me later. ~ ~ (here are Gally's eyebrows)

The sound of metal against metal rang through the girls ears as lights danced around her and bone shattering sounds filled her head. The flickering lights made her close her eyes and scream as the metal cube soared up to the light above. 

Suddenly she felt a jolt and all the noise stopped. The lights stood at a standstill and daylight filled her with warmth. She quickly got out before the solid enclosure decided to bring her back down again. 

The brightness caused a burning sensation in her eyes after the darkness that she'd been plunged into unwillingly. She had a look around her and shouted a few times to see if anyone was there. No one. all there was were trees, grass and- Walls. Walls surrounded her. She felt trapped. Why was she here? Wait. Why? The girl with green eyes and dirty blonde hair stood in the middle of this vast openness without a clue about anything. She could only remember her name.


Slowly she looked back to where she came from. Inside the thing (now that she looked carefully it resembled an elevator) were many crates full of food, blankets, tools, a hammock and barrels of water. She sighed, knowing that she'd need them (and as no one else was there to help) carry them out by herself. 

After around an hour of heavy lifting, Nat decided to sit down and have a rest. She gently rolled some fruits out of a crate and upturned it.  A very handy chair. When she sat down she put her hands in her pockets. On feeling a sharp pain on her left thumb she quickly withdrew. Natalie had sustained a papercut. Inside was a piece of paper. Written on it were the words...

Welcome to the maze trials

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" She pondered on this for a few more minutes then decided it really didn't matter.

Once she had got everything out of the box she set up camp. Nat wanted a tree house but knew that would take days of work. Instead she stretched a hammock between two trees and gazed up into their entwined branches. Somehow she knew that she'd have to make a home here weather she liked it or not. 


A few days later she had started to get used to where she was. 

After a little bit of venturing out of the walls, she realized that she was enclosed by a maze. Nat didn't want to get lost so she only went through a few passages and then came back. However she did notice that they changed every day. 

She also heard noises coming from the walls every night. A roar and screams that got less and less human every time.


It had been a week now since her arrival and she decided she needed to know how to live. 

She started off with the basics, cooking and getting exercise. The tree house was already finished and decorated. All she had to do now was educate herself. She memorized the whole space and played games like chess, checkers and noughts and crosses to train her brain.  This was quite hard due to the fact that she was alone and there was no one else to play against. 

She lived like this for a few weeks, somehow she managed to survive. 

All was quiet and peaceful.

Until that day.

The day she would never forget.

The day the box came back up.

The footpath leads straight to you~ A Newt fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now