Finallyyy!! Your backkk!

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One afternoon at the avengers compound,you had an incoming call from your parents(they went on holiday without you) you tell Jarvis to accept the call...
"Hey honey! We're in the car on they way back now,your mother misses you very much and she has a lot of things to you show you and others when we get back"-tony
"Heyy daddd,,I missed you very much tooo!!tell mum I love her lots and I'll see her soon!"-y/n.
Alright goodbye honey"-tony
You quickly run upstairs to your bedroom and tidy it up (your dad hates it when your rooms messy) a couple minutes later, your all done!
"Y/N!! They are back!!!"-Thor shouts
You run downstairs like mad and run out the front door and you jump into your mum and dads arms and give them a big hug ❤️
"We get it,,you missed us next time we will bring you on the holiday and you will love it honey"-tony
"Yayyyy,,everyone is down stairs in the living room waiting for use..Quickkk quickk,,you don't want to keep them waiting!!"-Y/n
Everyone comes inside and gives each other hugs and Peter and Steve take there luggages into Tony's bedroom..
"It's great to have you back mr and mrs stark"-Jarvis
Everyone laughs!!
"Thank you Jarvis that's really nice of you"-pepper
"So everyone I have news,,me and pepper have decided to have another annual stark party tonight at 8...if you don't have anything to wear come and tell me and I will give you so money to get an outfit for the party!! You guys know the drill..see you guys later"-tony

You follow your dad to his lab and you tell him about Bucky and you really want him to come the party (buckys Your bf btw) but tony says he will do what he can,you go to the mall sad and you just quickly get ur dress and's around 6:30pm when you get home and you decided to start doing your hair and makeup now which takes you around 1hour to do.You take out your red,silky dress and your silver laced high heels 👠 it's already 8:00pm and the party has started...You walk in and all the avengers are looking at you but you don't see Bucky!! So you ignore everyone and go sit at the bar to order a drink 🥃Next minute you feel someone standing behind turn around and it's Bucky...
"Hey doll,,did you miss me?"-Bucky
"NO F*CKING WAY"-Y/N you start to jump into his arms and give him a big kiss 💋..he pulls away
"Don't cry doll,I'm here now and that's all what matters"-Bucky
"I've missed you so much,please never leave me again!!"-Y/N
"I won't baby..don't worry now let's get you a drink"-Bucky
You look over at your dad and mouth(thank you) he just smiles.You get drunk real fast and Bucky accidentallys loses you at the party..he's looking everywhere and sees you on top of table and you shout really loud...
"Please can I have everyone's attention,..So tonight has probably been the best night in my entire life!!The love of my life came back home to me after being a month away,, also my parents finally came home from there long holiday trip and all I want right now is to get in bed and cuddle my baby all night,, I probably wont remember this in the morning because I'm that's what I wanted to say HAVE A GOOD NIGHT LADIES AND GENTS!!! You accidentally fall and Bucky catches you
"Be careful doll I don't want you hurting yourself again"-Bucky
"I'm sorry I just want to party now"-y/n
"Nope your not your going to bed 🛌 now!!"-buckyyy
"Your such a party pooper,,,if I go to bed will you stay with me and don't leave me?"-y/n
"Yes doll I was planning on doing that anyways"-Bucky
He takes you to your bedroom and takes off all your makeup and gets you in your pjs and puts you hair up in a high ponytail.He gets in some grey sweatpants and take his shirt off and climbs in bed next to you...You bury your head Into his chest and you just cuddle him while you fall asleep.3 hours later you wake up and bucky still hasn't gone to sleep yet,,
"Why are you awake? Why haven't you slept"-y/n
"Oh sorry baby I didn't mean to wake you up,I just can't sleep I just cant stop thinking how lucky I am to have you in my life"-Bucky
"I'm never gonna leave you..never ever..Your the love of my life and nobody is gonna change that.No matter what's happens like if I die I will never stop loving you"-y/n
You see that Bucky has tear in his eye
"Are you crying?? OMG BUCKY BARNES IS CRYING"-y/n
"I am not doll I just have something in my eye"-Bucky
"Of course you do!!"-y/n
You suddenly get up and run round the compound at 2am in the morning saying I made Bucky Barnes cry see all the avengers in the living room so you run in the living and say
"I made The one and only Bucky Barnes cry"-y/n
Everyone starts to laugh and you hear Bucky coming down the stairs,,
"Oh shit shit shittt,,he's coming down to get meee sorry people but I gotta go"-y/n
Bucky sees you run towards the kitchen and he follows after you
"Did someone make you cry"-Nat laughs
"Never knew y/n was that powerful to make you cry"-Wanda
"Good luck bud"-Bruce pats him on the shoulder..
Bucky sticks his middle finger up at everyone while you hide in the kitchen...
"I can literally smell your perfume doll,I ain't stupid"-Bucky laughs
"Fuck this I give up"-y/n
You came out from inside the cupboard
And you just stare at him with fright in your eyes
"Please don't hurt me you're scaring me"-y/n
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you,come one I'll carry u upstairs"-Bucky
He puts you over his shoulders and takes you back upstairs so puts you in bed till both of you fall asleep 😴

Another part soon ❤️❤️

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