Hydra is back....

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The next morning,,You wake up at 6am got a shower and got ready into your gym clothes..Bucky was still fast asleep 💤 you went downstairs to make breakfast and Peter,Wanda,Vision,Sam,Pepper,Nat and Pietro was sat at the breakfast table in the kitchen
"Good morning Y/N how did you sleep?"-pepper
"Alright thank you mum,,just thought I might go on a run this morning to clear my head?"-Y/n
"Sorry but you can't go alone!"-vision
"Why not I can handle myself I'm very powerful!"-y/n
"Hydra is back and I except they would be wanting you cause of how powerful you are"-Sam
"Right fine I'll go wake Steve up because he normally runs in the morning I'll go ask him,,is that fine I'm pretty sure captain America will protect me even though I'm more powerful than him!"-Y/n
"We know your very powerful but someone has to come with you whenever you go until hydra goes again or we defeat them"-Nat
Peter and Wanda are making waffles so they could avoid saying that you can't go out alone..
"JARVIS,,ring Steve and tell him I want him in the kitchen please!! I can't be bothered to walk back upstairs and can you check if bucky is still asleep? Thank youuu"-y/n
"Steve shall be down within 5 minutes and yes miss stark mr Barnes is still asleep!!would you like anything else today?"-Jarvis
"Uhm I don't think so...wait actually locate my dad please!!"-y/n
"He's at the shopping mall miss stark!do you need anything else?"-Jarvis
"No thanks and thank you"-y/n
Steve runs downstairs and Sam explains everything to him and you,Sam,Steve go on a run together.You guys are at the park and decided to take a break for a bit
"So how are you and Bucky?"-Sam
"I think we are fine I'm not sure hopefully he's awake when I get back!!"-y/n
"You better look after him for me"-Sam
You and Steve laugh..
"If you had noticed he's really changed since he's been with you over these last couple of months I have never saw Bucky like this before!"-Steve
You start to tear up
"Well atleast I know I can change someone's  personality,,I love Bucky with all of my heart and nobody's gone change that!"-y/n
The boys hug you and you say
"Last back to the compound has to cleAn up after dinner for the rest of the week"-y/n
Your the first one back and Steve runs past Sam and says
"On your left"-Steve
You stand there laughing and Bucky comes outside..
"So that's where you had gone,,anyways goodmorning doll" -Bucky.... hes kisses you and the boys look away "eww"-Sam "get a room"-Steve,,,you pull away and you hug him while you put your middle finger up at the boys
"That's my girl"-Bucky
Loki runs outside and told us that there's an issue with my dad!! You stare at Bucky..You and the others run inside and you see everyone sat down crying 😭 "what's happened?"-y/n
Everyone stays silent and your mum looks at you while balling her eyes out
"if someone doesnt tell me where my dad is or doesn't tell me what's happening I'm going to burn this compound down to ashes!"-y/n
You look at Bucky with tears in your eyes...Steve and Sam are asking Bruce questions...Peter stands up
"So your dad had gone out this morning to surprise you with something,,hydra had took him..."-Peter
"But we still have his location and he has his suit on so I'm prettyy sure he's fine for now.."-Bruce
Everything starts to get muffled when someone talks,,you look at Bucky and you suddenly faint and fall in his arms
"Shittt,don't worry I got you"-Bucky
He lays you down on the sofa and you suddenly wake up
"DAD,WHERE IS HE" you scream
"I need my dad please get me my dad"- y/n
"We have got his location,we are going to hydra lab or wherever there staying now...EVERYONE SUIT UP We've got someone asses to beat"-Nat
"I'm coming no matter what anyone says he's my dad and I'm the one who's gonna save his ass...Mum,pietro,loki,vision and Sam you guys stay here and look after the compound"-y/n
"Okay be safe honey and please get your dad back"-pepper
"Don't worry mum i will"-y/n
Everyone gets in the van and gets to the hydra base....
"You guys ready"-y/n
"Whenever you are"-Thor
"I'm defo ready"-Nat
"Ready when you are"-Bruce
"If anything happens I'm sorry"-Bucky
"Just wanna get this over with"-Clint
"You guys go in first ima walk in last and do the rest of the job"-y/n
Everyone runs in the base and starts fighting the guards...Then you walk in like a bad bitch you areee and starts shooting your powers at the guards✌🏻You find your dad and set him free
"Omg dad,,are you okay,are you hurt? Did they inject anything in you?!"-y/n
"I'm fine!im not hurt and no they didn't honey"-tony
"Hold on dad"-y/n
You tap your earpiece what is connected to the compound lab (so basically Jarvis)
"Jarvis unlock cube 19a please"-y/n
"As you wish miss stark"-Jarvis
"Thank you honey"-Tony
Tony's suit starts attaching to his body and we start fighting our way out now back to the van
"Everyone In the van now!! Nat I kinda need a lullaby for the big guy!"-y/n
"On it already"-Nat
You hold off the rest of the guards while Nat gets Bruce into the van...
"Clint in 3,2,1 you step on it"-y/n
Clint nods his head while you kneel in the back on van shooting the guards with you powers...
You close the doors with your powers as you run to your dad and hug him,,You press the earpiece in your ear..
"Jarvis let everyone know at the compound that we got dad out alive and he's not hurt but just got a few cuts which I'm sure he will be fine tho "-y/n
"Letting them know now"-Jarvis
"You alright stark?"-Steve
He nods and peters in tears..Nat hugs him...
"When we get back to the compound I'll have to clean your cuts and make sure it's nothing major"-Bruce
"Yes..Yes I know I just want to see my wife right now"-tony everyone smiles and we arrive back that compound
"Everyone get cleaned up and We can eat at 8?"-tony
Everyone agrees and goes inside..pepper runs outside and hugs tony
"Such a long day and guess what we haven't even spent any time together since you came back "-y/n
"Maybe later we can skip dinner and spend some time togther?"-Bucky
"Yes I would like that baby"-y/n
You hug him and you run upstairs and jump In shower,,there's a knock at your bathroom door and you don't hear it so they come in and stare at you..you turn around and you scream
"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you,,do you wanna have movie night?"-Bucky
"It's fine and yes get the film ready for when I come in please"-y/n
"Yes boss"-Bucky
You giggle and you get out of the shower and Bucky accidentally left the door open a bit and you started to change and he watches you 😂
You come in and he acts like nothing happened and was about to play Star Wars "his favourite movie" you get into bed with him and you snuggle up to him..
"Bucky Barnes please can I ask you a question?"-y/n
"Sure doll ask away"-Bucky
"You lean up and you like sit on his waist while he laying down
"Would you say you have changed since we got together because everyone seems to think that?"-y/n
"Yes I do and everyone thinks that is right"-Bucky
You giggle as you lean in for a kiss and it turns out to be a makeout sesh and things start to lead on one to another and yall do the ✨dirty✨ after that you guys fall asleep and wake up in morning AND ITS YOUR 20th birthday 🎉🎉🎉

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