Happy 20th Birthday🎉🎉🎉

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As you wake up in the morning you start jumping up and down on the bed and onto Bucky and say
He rolls over and rubs his eyes and yawns
"Doll come lay back down with me it's too early for this stuff!!"-Bucky
You sigh and lay back down next to him and he gives you a kiss and cuddles you for 10 minutes
"Okay I'm going downstairs now to see the rest of my family"-y/n
"Alright I'll be up in a minute and I'm gonna take you out later"-Bucky
You go downstairs and everyone is really quiet and nobody's looks at you but tony comes in 
"Oh goodmorning honey it's such a lovely day outside today?Dont you think so?"-tony
"Yes dad it is,Dad what is today?"-y/n
"Uhhh Saturday why?"-tony
"It doesn't matter,Sam what's the date today?"-y/n
"Saturday 24th of September"-Sam
"Okay thanks,Bruce is anything happening today?"-y/n
"Uhm no but ask your dad we can maybe go out for the day cause it's nice weather?"-Bruce
"Alright I'll let him know"-y/n
You walk over to the fridge and whisper underneath your breath
"I can't believe they fucking forgot my birthday!!!"-y/n
As you was leaving the kitchen to go back to your room,,your dad stops you and says
"We have something planned later on tonight get ready by 6 and be down stairs at 6:30pm and dress nice please!"-tony
You ignore him and run upstairs..You jump on the bed and buckys in the shower so you go in the bathroom and sit on the counter and start to cry
"What's up why are you crying"-Bucky
"Everyone's forgot my birthday,,but my dad said there's something planned later for all of us to do at 6:30pm and I have to dress nice I don't know but I don't want to go out to dinner later!"-y/n
"It's fine and they haven't forgot your birthday trust me doll"-Bucky
He gets out of the shower and puts a towel wrapped around his waist you go back to bed and sleep all day till 5pm...Bucky had went out and there was a knock on the door you open it and it's Nat with a big box with a bow on it
"Uhm Nat? What is that!"-y/n
She avoids eye contact with you
"Snitches end up in ditches"-Nat
She's puts the box on the bed and leaves,,you shut the door and there's another knock...
"Oh ffs who could this be!!"
It's Wanda and again she avoids eye contact with you but has a smaller box with a bow on it
"Uhm Wanda? What's this?"-y/n
"Snitches end up in ditches!"-Wanda
She places the box on top of nats box and walks out...Your very confused and then your mum appears in the door and just hands you the box
"Mum?Explain please!!"-y/n
"Snitches end up in ditches"-pepper
You shut the door as she leaves and you open all the boxes and you pull out a long black silky gown, black sparkly high heels and two pairs of diamond hoops and a diamond necklace😍suddenly you notice a little letter and turn it around and it says "it's a surprise be downstairs later wearing this otherwise you don't get your surprise!!-unknown" You laugh
"Well I mean they are very pretty but it's worth it anyways" it's now 6;30pm and you walk downstairs all dressed up and see a bunch of people and the house is decorated in birthday stuff and there's presents and food and it just looks amazing 🎉🎉
You run downstairs and gave all the avengers a hug and you kiss your mum and dad on the cheek "
"Thank you dad and mum!!"-y/n
They laugh and say your welcome
"So I see you got out presents"-Wanda
"Yes I did and I was very confused but thank you though these are absolutely beautiful!"-y/n
You hug the girls and you start looking for Bucky but you can't see him anywhere...You go onto the dance floor we're lots of people are and you start to dance,Then Pietro comes over to where you were and hands you a drink 🥃
"Heyyy bestieee"-y/n
"You've got some good dance moves stark"-pietro
You take the drink and carry on dancing
"Thank you pietro!! Have you seen Bucky anywhere I really need him for a sec"-y/n
"Uhmm no sorry but your welcome for the drink"-pietro
"Okay thanks"-y/n
You get kinda drunk and still Bucky hasn't came yet so you go over to your dad and the others
"hEy DaD hAs AnY bOdY sEeN bUcKy?"-y/n
"Uhmm no sorry honey"-tony
"If he really loves me he would be here right now!!"-y/n
Then Bucky suddenly appears at the top of the stairs in a black tux and his hair cut...You storm off and he follows after you
"Y/n wait,,I'm sorryyy"-bucky
You ignore him and just walk off to outside the compound and you just stand in the middle of the grass and stare up at the sky 🌌
"I'm sorry I got caught up in something doll but it was worth every second"-bucky
"What was so worth it that you had to miss my 20th birthday and literally spent like half of the night without the love of my life!"-y/n
"Just listen doll!! You'll understand later on after the party 🎉 now let's go back inside before your dress gets ruined and your heels baby"-Bucky
"Okay babe you know I love you right?"-y/n
"Yes I know that doll"-Bucky
You guys kiss and go back inside.You guys start to dance on the dance floor and Bucky gets really drunk it's around 11pm now and you and Bucky decided to head to bed while the party quiets down a bit...the rest of the avengers are playing games.Steve helps you carry Bucky upstairs
"Thank you Steve I couldn't carry him by myself!"-y/n
"Your welcome just shout down if you need me"-Steve
You nod and smile 😊 You go to you room and place him on the bed and you take your heels of and put them in your wardrobe
"Doll come to beddd.."-Bucky
"I'm coming baby just hold on a sec I need to get ready!"-y/n
He starts to mumble and you get In your pjs and help buck gets in his sweatpants...You tuck him in
"Come lay next to meee"-Bucky
"I'm going to get something to drink for you"-y/n
"Okay you better come back or I'll be very very mad"-Bucky
You laugh and walk out of your room...Instead of going downstairs you quickly run into his bedroom and run to his bedside table
"What is he hiding??"-y/n
You look round more and don't find anything but then you remembered something
"Omg I know where it is that's probably what's he hiding like inside his diary"-y/n
You run to behind his head board (bed) and grab his diary
"It feels wrong but I have to do it"-y/n
You open it and read out load
"Page 14-September 6th-Today wasn't the best day I had to lie to everyone even the love of my life and told them that I was going out on a business trip and had to do a mission but I wasn't actually doing that!! I was at hydra... the reason I'm doing this is because they said if I don't show up at the base everyone 2 week there gonna hurt the people who I love and I can't let that happen to y/n!!! I want to have a future together with her..I want her to have my kids and I want to marry her and I'm alread on that...then as soon as I have asked her,, I want to move away with her so hydra can't track me down!! So that's it for today and hopefully not my last time writing in this!"-buckys diary
You sit on his bed in shock,then suddenly heard a knock so you quickly put the book back and hid in his closet,,,it was Steve,,,he walked in and placed two bags on buckys bed
"I hate lying but he better owe me for this and y/n better be happy!"-Steve
You're confused but then realise it might be the engagement ring like it said in his diaryy!!! He leaves and and you wait a couple of minutes then you leave and go back to your room!! Buckys fast asleep so then you make a bed on the floor and go to sleep 💤
It's morning and Bucky wakes u up
"Doll!! Why are you on the floor?"-bucky
"I wanted  space!"-y/n
"Why did I do something wrong? Please tell me... have I hurt you?"-bucky
You get up and grab your clothes for the day and go into the bathroom and get ready!! Buckys really confused 🤷‍♂️ you walk out of the bathroom like the bad bitch you are and make your way downstairs,,,
"Goodmorning everyone!! So I'm gonna make a smoothie and go for a run and hopefully when I'm not looking somebody runs me over and then I die because right now I don't want to be here on this planet!!! Only if I could join star lord and his troop on that little ship thing they have,,well anyways have a nice day people!"-y/n
You grab your smoothie and leave before anyone could say anything.
"I hate my life and I couldn't believe he kept that from me especially about hydra!"-y/n
Meanwhile back at the compound,,Bucky comes running downstairs
"Where has she gone!! She slept on the floor last night and said she wanted space? Did I do something to her last night while I was drunk?"-bucky
"I'm not sure bucky but she said she wanted to go on a run or something idk?"-Steve
"She still has open all of her presents today!"-pepper
"Yeah she does and shes just probably having one of them days where she wants nobody to talk to her and she hates her life!"-tony
"Thank you! But I don't even know if she is still coming to dinner with me or not tonight!"-bucky
They laugh and Bucky runs towards the front door of the compound but your nowhere to be seen...Now back with you...You running past the park and over the big bridge and you get really far away from the compound
"Oh shit were am I?"-y/n
You start to get scared and you pull out your phone and call Nat...
"Nat! Idk where I am please help..this feels sketchy!"-y/n
"Put your location and I'll have Jarvis track you down while I'm in the car"-Nat
You end the call and put your location on
"Guys I have got y/n's location but she wants me to pick her up and it's in a sketchy location...Jarvis put her location up on the board please!"-Nat
Jarvis puts her location up and Bucky realises that it's next to the second secret hydra base
"Oh shit!! Nat leave now before something happens NOW!"-bucky
Nat leaves and Bucky runs to his bedroom and notices that his diaryy has been moved
"Fuckkk Y/n!!"-bucky
He runs back down and asks the avengers did y/n take any protection with her!! They all say no and Bucky sits down and starts to panic.Nat arrives at the location and Your still there
"Y/n!!! Thank god your okay"-Nat
You guys get in the car and Nat says in her earpiece
"Guys I've got her and she's safe and not hurt"-Nat
There's no answer from the compound
"Why is nobody answering?"-Nat
"I'm not sure just speed back to the compound and see what's wrong!"-y/n
You guys get back to the compound and everything seems to be fine..You walk in and you see bucky and just ignore him,,you walk upstairs
"I'm fine if anyways asking,,I'm going to bed and nobody come in my room or disturb me only if it's important or an emergency!!"-y/n
"Y/n please"-Bucky
You ignore him and walk to your room
"Why is she doing this to me.. I don't understand I can't loose her!"-bucky
"Just give her some time pal"-Bruce
"She will come around"-pietro
"Yeah she will"-tony
Bucky sighs,,,You lay down in your bed and cry 😭 you then eventually fall asleep 💤 You wake up to a knock on your door
"Who is it?"-y/n
There's no answer...So you get up and open the door and it's Bucky
"What do you want"-y/n
"Look just listen doll,I'm sorry for what I've done and I'm still  your boyfriend by the way and I still exist 😐but I just don't understand why your avoiding me..please tell me"-bucky
You stare at him with tears in his eyes and you pull his arm over to sit on the bed...
"I don't want you to be mad but I thought you was hiding something from me so I went into your room and I found your diary and I read page 14..."-y/n
You stare into his eyes with tears in your eyes 👀
"Im sorry I didn't know what was gonna be on that page baby"-y/n
"Well you just ruined your birthday present surprise but it's fine don't worry bout it let's just happened you never read it okay?"-bucky
You nod and don't say anything about the engagement and hydra...

This was kinda a long part but enjoyyyy

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