wThe engagement...💍💍

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The next day,,You decided to take your dads car and go sit at your favourite area (at the beach on big rocks) You run downstairs grab his car keys and leave...You pull out your phone and just send a text to your dad saying you'll be back soon.After nearly half an hour of driving and singing you reach your destination...You get out,grab your phone,lock the car and walk down to the beach and sit a few metres from the water
"Finally I can get away from the compound for once and by myself without Bucky worrying about me"-y/n then you release you left him in bed and you never told him you had went out...
"He will be fine...i think"-y/n
You close your eyes and then your phone starts blowing up with texts and calls from Bucky
"Oh my god how many times does he need to ring.."-y/n
You answer the phone
"Where are you?"-bucky
"I'm out right now baby what's up"-y/n
"You could of woke me up and told me Doll"-Bucky
"I just wanted space and time away from the compound,,I'm just stressed Bucky"-y/n
"Doll I don't understand by what you mean by space from each other...I don't want to ask you over the phone but let me take you out later or I'll come to you later on and I'll fetch you some more clothes?"-bucky
"I don't mind baby but I just want space from the compound right now"-y/n
You end the call before he could say anything and you just lay down and close your eyes and think about your future with Bucky...
You've been at the beach for like 3 hours and you go sit back in the car
You ring Bucky and tell him your on your way back now!! You get back to the compound and you see all the avengers having a bbq outside and Steve chasing Nat
"Heyyy y/n"-Nat
"Hey Nat,,Hey everyone"-y/n
Wanda and vision are stood over the bbq making good for everyone...You look around the table and you don't see bucky anywhere again!!You get really mad
"where is he!! Where is bucky!!! Istg if he has gone on a "mission" again I'm going to be very mad and there's gonna be consequences"-y/n
Nat and Steve stop playing around now and pepper stares at you
"Just chill out please darling..we don't know where bucky is we haven't seen him all day.."-Pepper
You slam the car keys on the table and run upstairs to your room and he's not there...You run into buckys room and he's lead bed 🛌
"Oh my,,what have I done"-y/n
You go over to bucky and sit at the end of the bed and you can see where he had been crying 😭you shake him to wake up!! He wakes up and when he sees you he pulls you into a hug
"I'm sorry I was long I didn't mean to leave like that! I'm never gonna leave you again okay!"-y/n
"You don't need to be sorry doll! Just don't leave me again"-Bucky
"I won't"-y/n
You kiss him and turns out into a make out sesh..you pull away and say maybe later...You get into shower and you and Bucky join the others outside
"Don't worry I found him"-y/n
They all laugh..you release at the table there's only one chair left so you sit down on buckys lap..your dad stares at you
"Dad it's fine for Christ sake he's my boyfriend and soon to be husband soon!"-y/n
You wink at Bucky
"I just stared honey"-tony
You leaned over on the table to get a drink and started moving round on buckys lap...you notice that's he was enjoying it so you started to tease him Nat noticed what you was doing and then said
"How about we get up and do something!! What about a water fight"-Nat
They all agree and you and Bucky just stay at the table
"What was that? Why was you doing that doll"-bucky
"I was just making a drink"-y/n
You smirk 😏 you get up and walk inside to grab something from upstairs
He follows u upstairs
"Where do you think your going"-Bucky
"Uhm to get my sunglasses!"-y/n
He laughs
You look down
"I see little Benjamin came out to play"-y/n
"Oh fuck sake!!  That's because of you"-Bucky
You laugh and pat his shoulder then walk out...You get outside and join the others and start playing water fights, After half an hour bucky comes back out and says
"Uhmm Doll,can I steal you for a minute"-bucky
"Yes of course"-y/n
He gently grabs your arm and takes you to the car and back to the beach (it's sunset btw)
"It's a nice view isn't it Doll?"-bucky
"Yes it is baby and why are we here?"-y/n
"Well you know I love you and I'm never going anywhere right?"-bucky
"I want you to have my kids and I want to one day move away from the compound with you and grow old with you and watch our kids grow up"-Bucky
"We're immortal dummy"-y/n
"Well you get the idea doll!,,I'm never going anywhere or unless one day something happens to us and our relationship even though it won't"-Bucky
"What are you trying to say bucky..."-Bucky
"Y/n stark...Will you make the most happiest man on earth and marry me?"-bucky
You start screaming and crying tears of happiness
He puts the ring on your finger and kisses you...
You guys then get back into the car and take a long drive back to the compound
You stare out of the window and say
"I can't believe I'm going to marry the love of my life"-y/n
Bucky chuckles as he pulls in to the compound and see that the avengers we're still out and had a started a little campfire
"Hey guys we're back"-y/n
"Heyy y/n"-Wanda
"Glad your back"-Peter
"Where did you guys go?"-Thor
"Yeh you guys kinda took forever"-pietro
"Wait did you do it bucky"-Steve
Bucky nods
"Did what?"-Clint
"Someone explain?"-Bruce
You show them your finger
Everyone gasps and congratulations you
"So im gonna be y/n Barnes soon and I can't waitttt"-y/n
"I'm gonna host your bachelor and bachelorette party when it's time because someone didn't tell me that he was going to ask you so i couldn't throw you a party"-tony
"It's fine dad and thank you"-y/n
You look at bucky and mouth to him to tell him to come inside...
"What's up doll?"-bucky
"I want to go to bed I'm tired can you come with me?"-y/n
"Of course I can I'm tired anyways"-bucky
You guys go to bed then soon after the avengers went to bed...
Come back for the next part....💛🧡💛

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