Chapter 13 His Forbidden Arms

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My Sunday was kind of dry. I went to church and then flopped on my couch and slept for an hour. I thought about Conner. I watched the "Pretty Little Liars" marathon. I called David. Obviously he didn't pick up. I wrote up a long-ass paragraph of what I was going to say prior to dialing his number. I left a message and when I called again he ignored it. I just wanted our friendship back. I wanted him back.

Three weeks away from the show. I was so nervous and excited at the same time. I was so ready to see Conner again. But then again, I don't know if it would be the same. I don't know if running into his arms and being swung around would feel the same. Would I get the shivers when he held my hand? I hoped so.
"Hey Mackenna!" My mother hollered from the kitchen. "Hi dear, can you do me a huge favor?" She pleaded. Rolling my eyes I finally gave in to her request. "I need you to run to the Harris's house? I can't drop off brownies today." The Harris's. That's David's family. Sadly enough, I was going to be in their presence today. They are my family's long time friends. We were always together since we were little at events or when we all went out to dinner together, we would sit next to each other and play tic-tac-toe on a napkin. And it was a tradition that every month, our families would bake things for each other. I grabbed the large, cold saran-wrapped pan and headed out the door in a huff. I knocked on the door 7 times like I always have since I was old enough to form my hand into a fist. He opened the door. He who's love I disregarded and kindly rejected. He who yearned for me. He who I could not yearn for. His forbidden affection.
"So you came crawling back..." He chuckled to himself. But I could see the pain hidden behind his eyes.
"Hi," I replied awkwardly and he raised his hand in an attempt to acknowledge my existence. My unfortunate existence. He opened the door wider in a gesture for me to come in. I walked in and instinctively strolled into the kitchen. I could walk through his house blindfolded. Without stubbing a toe let alone pausing to wonder where exactly I was. I set the tray of brownies on the granite counter top and turned around to see him there. He looked at me hungrily. I gulped, I walked away and sat on the couch. This was getting really weird. I could feel his eyes boring holes into my back. I turned and he snapped out of whatever trance he was in.
"Do you uh. Do you want-want something to drink?" He asked out of the blue.
"What? Mack, we're in 8th grade!"
"I'm joking!" I cried and walked towards him.
I looked him up and down. He was in dark jeans and a pull over sweat shirt that said "Jersey Steel Hawks Allstar Baseball" it looked really comfortable. I wanted to snuggle up into his arms and fall asleep again.
What the hell? Mackenna, are you listening to yourself? You love Conner, remember?
You always want what you don't have. I walked over to him and closed the space between us. We were inches away. He smelled like citrus. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. I felt the shivers again. He hugged back after a moment of shock. I tucked my head under his chin and stayed there for a while. How could I have missed him. He was right in front of me this whole time and I didn't notice. He was always there for me.
"I'm so sorry." I whispered into his ear.
He kissed my forehead and whispered back.
"Don't stress it Mack." I grinned. It felt so right. Like his arms were made for me. What would Conner say?
He doesn't have to know. I grin deviously.
"I like you a lot Mackenna."
"I do too. The sad thing is. I only realized now."
"It's ok." He said quietly and held me tighter. I felt so safe, and so protected.
I hear the footsteps of his brother, Nathan.
We separated and tried to act inormal, but I'm sure my cheeks were on fire.
"Hey Nate." I greeted nonchalantly.
"Oh, brownies! Your mom is THE BEST!" He cheered. He peeled away the plastic and grabbed one. He shoved half of it in his mouth and rolled his eyes in delight. He groaned and ate the rest.
"So what are you guys doing?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows
"Oh my god, we are JUST friends." I lied convincingly. He rubbed his stubble and stared at David.
"We are?" David croaked, upset lacing his face.
"No, it's just that, well. Ugh." He totally blew our cover.
"David can't you take a hint?"
"Ooh!" He cried in realization. I face palm. He was just like Erin in science.
"Woah!" Nate called out interrupting my thoughts.
"So you guys really are dating?" He asked
"Yeah." We said awkwardly in unison.
"I guess." I finish.
"As of now." David added, sending me a wink. I blushed.
"Don't worry." Nate assured. "I won't say a word." He pretended
to zip his lips and throw away the invisible key.
I still felt bad about Conner no matter how much David cheered me up and made me temporarily forget about him. But I don't know how to deal with those sad and cold nights when I have nothing left to do except lay awake at night and wallow in my own guilt.
I just couldn't forget David's hug that made me explode inside with joy and fear. Fear of how it will affect Conner or how it will affect Marcy. Or how it would affect me.
Please comment your thoughts.
"Even when I take just one step back, it feels like I'm a mile behind."

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