Chapter 5

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The next morning, both alchemists met up in Windrise near Barbatos's statue. Sucrose was a little late but that didn't bother Albedo. 

"Sorry, Mr. Albedo. I overslept just a little—"

"It's fine, Sucrose. As long as you're here, my time didn't go to waste."

Sucrose grinned a bit, feeling glad that she didn't make Albedo angry. Albedo scanned Sucrose from head to toe and that was until he saw a leather satchel strapped around her body, resting at the side. The side of the satchel was thick as it was jam-packed with something. He hummed shortly to himself then looked at Sucrose. But then Sucrose snapped out of it as she remembered to return something.

"O-oh! Mr. Albedo, I forgot to give you this back yesterday. Thanks for giving it to me for the 2nd time..."
Sucrose handed back Albedo's coat from yesterday.

"Ah, I forgot I gave my coat to you yesterday. Thanks."

"You're welcome!"

"Oh by the way Sucrose, are you feeling better now?"

"Mhm! I'm feeling much better now thanks to Barbara."

"That's good to hear. So, what part should we investigate next in Dragonspine?"

"At the bottom of Starglow Cavern. I brought more warming bottles because I went down there and I almost froze to death. Luckily, I survived. Hopefully, you wouldn't experience that too."

Albedo's face overshadows his expression with worry when Sucrose told her the experience she had at the bottom of Starglow Cavern.

"Are you okay?"
He couldn't help but ask, taking a step forward toward her.

"What? Of course, I am. Why ask?"

"Ah, well it's just that... I was— I-I mean —"
He stuttered, embarrassed he was as he rubbed his nape.
"I am worried about you. Especially after you said that you had a near-death experience at the bottom of the Cavern."

"Oh! Haha,"
Sucrose laughed upon hearing the words out of Albedo's mouth.

Albedo's eyelids and eyebrows popped up at the sound of her laughter. Surprised and confused he was, a part of him thought Sucrose laughing was adorable.

"That was before; when I didn't come prepared and was naive at that time. I won't make the same mistake again! This time,"
Sucrose opened the satchel with the many warming bottles inside clanging against each other, shining brightly inside.
"I brought more than yesterday since it's going to be a cold adventure! That's why I was a bit late to meeting you here in Windrise."

"Oh. I think those warming bottles will be useless for the both of us."

"What? Why?"
Sucrose replied, trying not to sound offended.


Albedo had nothing in mind for his reason until he remembered Kaeya's advice on flirting. Albedo smirked to himself, then said his thought out loud.

"You wouldn't experience the coldness down below because you have me."
Albedo smirked.

It took a while for Sucrose to realize that Albedo was flirting. She started to turn red as she covered her face with her hands... and turned away from Albedo because of sudden embarrassment.

"Uh... Sucrose? Are you okay?"

"Huh? O-oh yes I'm fine! N-now let's not waste any more time shall we?"
Sucrose released her hands from her covering her whole face and instead just covered her mouth.

Mr. Albedo just flirted!! That's the first time he's ever done that! Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh! Stay calm. Just breathe, it'll be alright Sucrose.

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