Ending Chapter

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6:12 am. It was the next day and both alchemists get ready. Yes, Albedo was still staying with Sucrose because he asked and Sucrose still wanted some company. Once they were ready to exit, Sucrose was waiting for Albedo to leave first, but he just stopped. She tilted her head in curiosity.

"Why did you stop?"

"Sucrose... are you sure you're brave enough to go outside while being seen like this?"

"I'm gonna have to get used to it at some point, and starting today, I will try my best to not hide it!"
Sucrose responded back, clenching her fists and placing them on her hips.

Albedo smiled at Sucrose for her confidence and determination. He patted her head before moving on.

"It's very nice to see you determined this early in the morning."
Albedo chuckled before stepping out of Sucrose's house.

Sucrose felt her face heat up and go red. She wasn't sure if she should feel happy or flustered. But she ended up grinning in joy as she touched her head where Albedo patted on. She caught up with Albedo. When Sucrose was walking beside Albedo, a few people were staring, again. This made Sucrose doubt herself and make her anxious about her surroundings. Albedo noticed Sucrose looking anxious, so he held Sucrose's hand. She felt a hand touching hers, she looked at Albedo, who was looking away like nothing happened. Sucrose looked away from Albedo and made a small grin.

Fast forwarding the time brought to you by Sylvaine...

Sucrose had nothing to do so she was about to read a book when it suddenly hit her. The antidote! She rushed outside and went to the library to see if Lisa was there. Sucrose controlled herself and was able to open the door quietly.

"Lisa, how's the anti—"

Sucrose looked around the library.

"—dote... She's not here."
Sucrose sighed.

"Maybe she's in Master Jean's office?"
Sucrose questioned that to herself as she left the library quietly and walked to Jean's office.


"Come in!"

"Hello Grand Master Jean, I'm looking for Lisa. Have you seen her?"
Sucrose asked, entering the room as she looked around the room — with no sign of her in the office.

"No, I haven't seen her. Have you checked the library?"

Sucrose nodded.

"Oh. Well... I didn't see her go outside. I'm sorry, I have no clue where she's at right now."
Jean apologized, scratching her head.

"Oh... it's fine. Sorry to bother your work."
Sucrose exited the room while her ears were down at the side.

Would she be in Albedo's office?
She thought as she passed by Albedo's office.

She stopped in her tracks when she realized she had almost gone to her office instead of going to Albedos. She knocked on the door and Albedo opened it.

"Ah, Sucrose. Lovely seeing you here. Can I help you with something?"

"Have you seen Lisa?"

"I'm right here dear!"
Lisa shouted.

"Oh, Lisa. I was wondering how the antidote is going."

Sucrose spoke when she heard her voice and went inside the room. Albedo moved aside for Sucrose to walk inside.

"It's ready."

Sucrose's eyes lit up, little sparks of joy were seen in her eyes, and her tail went straight forward, and so were her ears. She was excited to be back to normal again.

Chemistry Between Two Alchemists - Albedo x SucroseWhere stories live. Discover now