Chapter 12

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"So you really turned into a... cat... but still human..."

"As if that couldn't be any more obvious..! Ahaha-hahaha-hahaha..."
She whispered in fear, puffing up her tail.

After Sucrose laughed in a way that concerned Albedo, she felt like crying but she was too scared to even let tears drop, even though she felt her eyes be slightly puffy.

"W-what happens if I don't turn normal..?"
Sucrose asked in a frightened tone.

"I-I... I'm not quite sure..."

Sucrose turned back into the mirror and brushed her teeth, slowly.

"I shouldn't have drank that potion Lisa gave me. I'm so stupid."
Sucrose said in an aggressive tone while brushing her teeth which made her sentence barely audible. 

Her ears went back up halfway and her tail went straight up and was still puffed. Albedo was sitting down on the bed, thinking when he noticed from the corner of his eye, that Sucrose's ears and tail made a different expression.

"Do you perhaps.. use your ears and tail to express your emotions?"

Sucrose washed her mouth and spat out the water, when she was done, she answered Albedo's question.

"Hmm... Well, I sounded aggressive and I saw my tail and ears go in a different expression or something.. maybe..."

"Do you wanna ask Diona, the bartender in cats tail about this? She is also half human half cat."

Her ears went back all the way down and her tail became fluffy while facing down again, she didn't like the idea of going to see Diona for 2 reasons.
1. She didn't want to go outside and let everyone see her in her form right now because she was terrified
2. She didn't feel like talking to a cat-like child.

"I don't wanna... I'm too scared to go out and let people see me. And I'm not in the mood to talk to her."

Sucrose closed the bathroom door to take a shower but when Albedo spoke, he was barely heard.

"But you can at least learn how cats work by talking to her. Maybe I can even translate the emotions you're feeling with your ears and tail if I cannot read the emotions portrayed in your face."

"Hmm.. you do have a point. But I'm too anxious to even go out because what if people will talk about me? Rumors and gossip spread faster than true news. What if people will bully me for being like this? If they would, I would have to hide them.. just like my normal ears before... Besides, I don't even think this form I am in will last more than 2 weeks or more."

Albedo released a sigh of slight frustration.

"As long as you're with me, you're not gonna feel those. I have a coat, you can hide your tail with that, and you have a hat, you can hide your ears. And I'm just praying to the Archons that Lisa makes the antidote soon."


Sucrose turned on the water and it was hot. She went underneath the running water and she screamed.

"Sucrose? What happened?!"
He shouted then placed an ear against the door.

"Why is the water so cold?! It's steaming yet it feels so cold!"

Albedo had no words coming out of his mouth. He then remembered that cats don't like bathing in water because it feels uncomfortable for them.

"Oh. Cats don't like bathing in water."
Albedo stated blankly.

"Seriously?! I'll have to endure the coldness once I get used to it I guess..."
Sucrose spoke before going underneath the running water.

She was shivering, but as seconds pass by, she got used to it and it felt so warm to let droplets of warm water run through her body. She was silent and sighed of relaxation because of the warm water, she grabbed her conditioner and shampoo and rubbed them on her scalp.

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