A Match Made In Hell

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This story is a lil inspired by Highyahi
"Till Death Do Us Part."

This story contains domestic violence/abusive relationship. Self harming, graphic, a bit disturbing details.

Onika's POV

On my knees feeling the cold tiles as I wiped the floors with the towel which was now covered in my warm blood. Tears falling out of my eyes, blurring my vision. I tried to not sob too loudly knowing my "wife," would come out and hit me even more.

Some days I couldn't tell whether she loved seeing me cry and hurt or if she hates it. She hits me and then I'll start crying, and when I don't stop the tears, it pisses her more off making her hit me again.

I can't believe I married a monster like her. My life feels so ruined, I actually have no life. I'm a slave to this psycho and I just can't seem to run away from her, because when I do, she eventually finds me.

I heard footsteps and knew it belonged to her. I had to quickly wipe my tears and the blood that proceeded to flow out of my nose like a river. I felt her tall body stand over me as I quickly tried to wipe away all of my red-wine colored blood which dressed the white floors.

"Are you seriously still cleaning this shit up?" Her voice asked me, almost sounding annoyed. I mean, of course she's annoyed, when is she ever not?

"I-I-I'm almost done Bey," I softly say, trying my hardest to get on her good side.

"Look at me when you're talking to me Onika. You know better."

I whipped my head towards her, obeying her orders. I stared at her and couldn't believe a beauty like her can have such a cold, sick heart. She stood there staring back at me as well, a huge cigar in her fingers, putting it to her mouth before releasing the smoke.

Her head twisting and turning to sides as those cold brown eyes deeply stared at me. I find it scary how her eyes changes color on it's own. I've witness them change from green to brown multiple times and just from that, I just knew she was a sick, crazy bastard.

"You still seem to look beautiful," Her monotone voice begin. "Even with blood running down your face," She ended her sentence with a chuckle.

I didn't know what to say, I guess I'll just take it as a compliment. To me, it feels like she hates me, but yet she never had any problem throwing compliments at me... Even when they sound odd and disturbing.

"Hurry up and clean this mess that you've created up. I'm hungry, make my dinner," She ordered before walking past me, her sandals squashing on the bloody towel causing a few blood to splurt out on the floor again.

"Yes baby," I said, letting her her know that I understood and obeyed her words.

A small sigh was all I could do. My life has fallen apart, I'm basically a dead women who still seems to "look alive," but deep down, I'm not.


I've been with Beyonce for 4 years now, we got married only after 4 months of dating. I was so stupid, young and in love, I just couldn't say no when she asked me to marry her. Not even only that but I just knew she wasn't taking no for an answer.

She actually didn't even ask me, just basically demanded that we should get married. Her exact words were : "We're getting married. I really love you, I don't want you to be with anybody else."

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