Don't Let Go Of My Love

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Onika POV

The white sheets covering my body like white on rice. My naked body underneath was as sweaty as ever. My hair is a mess, I could feel sweat running down the side of my face. 

My phone in my hand, nearly crushing it as I let my chocolate eyes lurk through those pictures. I could feel my heart beating, in anger and jealousy.

A hot breath drew out of my nose which felt like fire gusting out of it. Oh how much jealousy can crush your soul.

A woman I once used to be friends with, I claimed her as my sister, had fucked me over. Messing with the woman I only loved in this world and at the end, eventually married her. Megan can forever go to hell.

She took the love of my life, out of spite.

How much more can she be cruel? Taking my lover away from me simply because she was jealous of our happy but yet toxic relationship. Going behind my back, placing her lips on my lover.

Going behind my back and giving her body to my lover like the slut she is. 

She finds nothing wrong with that, instead she finds it funny. Luring my lover into her trap, though, I'm certain she doesn't even love her. She only wants to be with her to continue crushing my soul.

It's been years since the last time we talked or ever crossed path. I didn't even want that to happen, knowing I'll possibly hurt her the next time I even smell her scent next to me.

If I didn't hate her, I would be happy to say that their wedding was fabulous. Her white, fluffy Cinderella ball gown made her look like a giant ball. The jewels on the dress sparkled under the light.

Her wide smile scared me a bit.  It always has.

Her second dress was as nice as well. It had a leg split which made her sexy, long legs show. Her hand and my lover's hand, which is now her wife, locked in together. Beyoncé.

Her dirty blonde hair was bone straight and fitted her so well. Her pantsuit outfit, had her looking sexy as always. Their wedding was only two years ago but yet it still feels like this whole bullshit happened just yesterday.

I'm also angry at Beyoncé. How dare she breaks my heart like this knowing how much I loved her. We've been in such a off and on relationship since our college days.

Though we've been through so much together, I still had hope for our relationship. That was all I ever wanted.... For us to have a healthy relationship, get married and create a family together.

I've told Megan everything. I've cried on that girl's shoulder. I let her hold me and comfort me as I cried my eyes out anytime Beyonce and I get into another fight or "break-up."

Who knew all along my pain, tears and betrayal from Beyonce was happiness, satisfaction and heaven to Megan. 

She gave me such a sad face but inside, she was smiling like a madman, happy like a kid in a candy store. Screw her.

I felt the bed shift. Small groans could be heard. Fingers softly brushing against my skin. I looked over, our eyes catching each other attention. Her eyes bore deeply into mine, like always, the eyes that will forever have me in love.

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