Secret Lovers

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With the many students that were seated in this classroom, only one of them seem to truly catch the poor teacher's eyes

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With the many students that were seated in this classroom, only one of them seem to truly catch the poor teacher's eyes. Being a high school English teacher can be tough and no we're not talking about rowdy, disrespectful, stubborn or lazy kids. It can be tough when you seemingly fall for a minor who is a student of yours that you see almost every single day.

With that being the case, it'll be extremely hard to avoid her. You do anything you can to avoid that specific student, but nothing ever works because your feelings work harder and stronger which soon over takes you.

Beyoncé's eyes searching the classroom, looking for a student she can pick on to answer the question that just flew out of her mouth. Soon she picks on a student she rarely hears from, welcoming and approving the answer the quiet kid gave her.

The bell soon rang throughout the classrooms, indicating that it's dismissal time, every student favorite time of the day of course. Kids packing up, shoving their books and other belongings into their bookbags.

Beyoncé's eyes not being able to help but to quickly glance over that one girl in which their eyes locked in at the same time. An awkward eye contact until the student was able to pull away, continuing to place her notebooks into her Louis Vuitton tote bag.

"No homework tonight!" The 26 year old announces to her students which resulted in cheers from them.

Kids walking out of the door until her favorite one was about to do so also.

"Onika," Beyoncé soon calls out. The smaller girl turning to look at her with already nervousness displaying on her face.

"Yes Ms. Knowles?" Her sweet voice said.
"Sweeter than honey," Beyoncé would always say to herself.

The class soon getting empty. "I happen to remember that you said you needed extra help?"


"I wish you can stay after today but I do have an important teachers meeting, so I was wondering if tomorrow will be fine?"

"Tomorrow will be fine Ms. Knowles," Onika's soothing voice replied. Her warm eyes was able to make her teacher's heart warm up as well.

They held each other gaze and their eyes seemed to be able to connect them, like always. Everyday, they seem to at least have one or a few steamy moments with just using their eyes only.

"Great. I'll see you tomorrow then sweetheart," She finally says with a warm smile. "Have a great evening Nicki."

"Bye Ms. Knowles," She says with such lust.

Soothing chuckles left her lips, her dimples making itself visible until finally, she walks out of the empty classroom, feeling great to have another decent conversation and moment with the teacher she has somehow manage to fall in love with.

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