The drem

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"DADDa YES RIGT THERE YES GO INTO THAT SPOT A-AH~" , you scream and mooan in pleasure. You love him so much and love the massage he gives you every night uwu.

"I want you and only you shawty",  says your beloved husbando, the handsomest and most smexy of all, Shrek.
He always relieves you of your stress by giving you the secret massage every night. 

"But babe its time to realise i aint herre rn"

You wake up adbruptly to the sound of your custamised alarm.
You cuarse at your phone and throw it at the wall smoshing it into a millioen pieces. You thonk to yourself that your heart has been broken into 2 miilioen piecs c0z your dadda wasnt herre with you, smaking your booty and miss his 12 inch longe greeen deeck.

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