One of Those Nights

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(Hello again, my loves! I am feeling well enough to write once more, so here I am! You guys have completely blown me away. I just thanked you guys for 500 reads, and I come back to see that it's up to 700 now. I can't even explain to you all how much this makes me happy. But anyways, here is the first chapter I promised to post. Chapter 7 will be up and running in a few hours. Until then, enjoy Chapter 6 :) )

Chapter 6

Bonnie's POV

"See you guys later!" (Y/N) waved at us as she was heading towards the door.

"Bye, (Y/N)!" Foxy, Chica, Freddy and I replied. 

"Don't forget to come back!" I blurted out. Why did I just say that? I didn't mean to, but I mean every word. I can't take another twelve years without her. That was twelve years of her life that I wasn't able to be a part of.

"I won't. I promise." (Y/N) said with a smile then left. She promised the same thing the last time we saw her, and look where we are now. I know that it wasn't her fault, but it still hurt to know that she was living her life without me---without us. Shortly after (Y/N) left, Mr.Fazbear arrived along with a few other employees. The curtain to our stage was open, but no one seemed to care except him. He got on the stage and circled each of us. He looked very pleased with our new appearance, so he left the curtain open so that we could perform and be seen today. Opening time eventually rolled around, and we were ready for our usual week day.

"Hey, kids! Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! I'm Freddy!" He announced as people were entering.

"I'm Chica! Let's Eat!" She giggled.

"And I'm Bonnie! Are you ready to rock?" I added. We played our first song, and the kids, and even their parents, were happy to see us more lively than usual. Everything was fine until I thought about (Y/N) again. I couldn't help but worry about if she'll come back again. What if she doesn't come back? What if she leaves again but longer, or worse---forever? I'll be permanently stuck in a dark place that will never find light again

I was so distracted by my own thoughts that I didn't notice that I was moving and playing my guitar very slowly. Everyone saw me and began to make worried and skeptical faces. Mr.Fazbear made us stop performing and closed the stage off again. From behind the curtain, I could hear upset kids and angered parents.  It's just like the 'Bite of 87' all over again....Most of the people left, so Mr.Fazbear asked the remaining people to leave so that he could close the place early. Since no one could see us, we turned into our human forms. I sat on an old crate in the back corner of the stage playing my guitar while Chica sat on the floor in the middle playing with her cupcake and Freddy was leaning against the back wall.

"Psst! Bonnie?" Chica whispered. I stopped playing and looked up at her with a blank expression. 

"What is with you? You're acting strange today." She questioned me.

"It's nothing. I just....didn't want to perform anymore." I lied. I didn't want to worry them, so I kept the real reason to myself.

"Bonnie, you do know that we can tell when you're lying, right? Your left ear slightly twitches when you're not telling the truth, so tell us, what's the problem?" Freddy chimed in.  Nailed... I may as well confess.

"Alright. I can't stop thinking about (Y/N) and worrying about if she'll come back or not. I know that she promised, but she told us the exact same thing before she left us. I don't know about you guys, but I can't go through something like that again." I admitted. They looked at each other with concerned faces then back at me.

"Bonnie, we're going through the same thing as you. We want (Y/N) to stay with us just as much as you do, but it's out of our control." Chica explained.

"She's right. Even if we could do something, it's (Y/N)'s choice to stay or not. We can't force her. She'll hate us if we did that, and we both know that's the last thing we want. We'll have to wait and see if she'll show up again today."  Freddy added. 

"I guess so. It's not like I have any other choice." I stared blankly and walked off to the service and parts room that is right next to the stage. They're both right. She has to come willingly. Gosh, if only everything was in our control.

After I cooled off a bit, I returned to Freddy and Chica. They noticed me, but didn't say anything. I sat back down on the crate and continued playing my guitar. We each stayed in our own little worlds until we heard Mr.Fazbear leave around 5:30. We all went back to what we were doing as Foxy joined us on the stage.

Hours passed by, and I could tell that they were all bored beyond compare. Freddy moved from the wall, and left to go find out what time it was. Chica soon left to go to the kitchen to make pizza leaving Foxy and I behind. Eventually Freddy came back, but with an impatient look on his face.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"9:03." He answered.  Calm down, Bonnie. Maybe she was caught in traffic.  Yeah! That's what it is. Breathe. She'll be here.  She promised, and she always keeps her word---even if it takes many years for it to be fulfilled.

Another two hours passed and (Y/N) still wasn't here. Where could she be? I thought she had to be here at 7?!  Chica and Freddy were now chatting with each other, and Foxy was sitting down playing with his hook. The wait was killing me. I started to think again of all the possible reasons why she hadn't arrived yet. My thoughts were interrupted when we heard the front doors unlock. We all dashed to our spots and turned into our animatronic forms. The person entered and locked the doors back. We heard shuffling then complete silence. Where did they go? 

After what seemed like forever, we heard footsteps again. It sounded like that they were heading this way. We were all anxious to see who it was. We were hoping this person is (Y/N). The person goes to the stage and slowly walks to the side of it so that it could pull the curtains back. Little by little, the curtain opened. Once it was completely open, the mysterious person walked from the side. The person that came in was.....Mike?!  Crap! I forgot that he works here too. He looked at us coldly and walked off to go to his office.

Seriously?! Of all people, it had to be Mike that showed up! I could feel my insides shatter into pieces. I looked over to Freddy and Chica to see a very hurt and disappointed expression on their faces. I wanted to get off the stage to the dining hall and throw chairs and tables around so badly, but I know Freddy wouldn't allow me. I needed to let my anger, frustration, and pain out somehow. Since I can't wreck the place, I'll take it all out on Mike. I hope he came prepared for his fourth night here because things are about to get hectic.....

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