The Helpless and The Broken- Part 2

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(Before this chapter starts, I wanted to personally wish Teletubbie_Lover a happy and wonderful birthday. I hope that you'll have many more years of life to celebrate, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I hope that you and everyone else will like part 2! Enjoy!)

~~When Mike and (Y/N) Left~~~~~~

Jade's POV

I walked around to get a feel of the place. Everything here from the creepy kid drawings on the wall to how this place smelled like old pizza was unpleasant. I didn't understand why since this place was meant to be nothing but 'rainbows and sunshine.' I walked by the main stage and saw them in their spots perfectly arranged. A little too perfect. I got on the stage and looked at all three of them. How (Y/N) loves these things, I'll never know. I stood right in front of Freddy and looked into his eyes. He was looking straight ahead with a lifeless expression. I looked down slightly to see his nose. It looked soft, so I reached out to touch it. His nose was almost in my grasp, but then the 12 a.m. bell rang.


"AHH!" I fell right on my bottom. When I looked up, Freddy was on the floor with me laughing his head off, Bonnie was running down the hallway, and Chica was walking into Foxy's cove.

"Knock it off! That wasn't funny!" My cheeks started to heat up from embarrassment. Freddy stopped laughing and got up, but started laughing again when he saw my face. I was mad now. I got up and walked off the stage. This caught Freddy's attention. He got back on his feet again and went after me.

"Wait! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to laugh at you!" He called out. When he was directly behind me, I turned around. Our faces were so close together that our noses touched. My eyes widened at our sudden contact, so I turned away to hide my blushing face. I stole a glance at Freddy to see him trying to do the same.

"I'm sorry for what I did. How can I ever make it up to you?" He practically begged.

"Well..." I stopped to think about what he could do for me then, an idea popped into my head. "You could give me a tour around the place." He gave me a gentle smile.

"It would be my pleasure. One moment please." He backed up and turned into a human. He was dressed in a very nice black tuxedo complimented with a black top hat and bow tie. His hair was a dark brown and his eyes were a beautiful sky blue color. I could've sworn that I saw all of the stars from the night sky in them. I cannot lie. He looks even more stunning than before. Keep your cool, Jade! I could feel my cheeks get even hotter. He held his arm out for me to grab it, and I happily took it. He escorted me through the pizzeria, and I could feel myself at ease with him. So far, this has been the best day of my life.

~~Meanwhile with Bonnie and Mike~~~~~

Bonnie's POV

"Get back here!" Mike shouted. I continued to run away from Mike. I made a sharp turn around a corner and stopped there. A few seconds later, I watched Mike run right past me. I quietly got up and tiptoed to the nearby employee break room. I reached the door and turned the door knob. I couldn't fully turn it because Mike tackled me to the ground. He got off of me and went to the door. Since I was still on the floor, I yanked him back down by his leg. He yelped in pain, so I must have grabbed the injured one.

I got back up, and stepped over him. I managed to open the door, but he pulled me back out by my ears. I punched him right in the middle of his chest. He fell back onto his back with a loud thud. I kneeled down beside him and looked at him dead in his eyes.

"Never. Touch. My. Ears!" I growled. I got back up and opened the door. I looked in, and there (Y/N) was, but she was crying. I went up to her and wrapped my arms around her.

"(Y/N)? What's wrong?" I asked. Oh how it pains me to see her like this. She didn't answer me, but instead she turned around and cried into my chest. I put my chin on her head while using my hands to rub her back and stroke her (H/C) hair. We stayed like this for about 5 minutes before she let me go.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She nodded, so I grabbed chairs for us. I put my mine right next to hers so that I could continue to comfort her. I placed my arm around her shoulder when she sat down.

"I feel...I feel guilty! Like everything is my fault because I can't do anything about it.I just sit there and watch things shatter into pieces all around me, and I try to fix them, but it seems as if I make it worse. Jade is hurting, and I can't help her which is causing more pain!" She broke down crying. I turned to hug her again. Her arms went around me, and I felt her hold on for dear life. I held on to her even closer.

"I-I-I'm so sorry, Bonnie! I'm sorry that I hurt your heart when I left! Because of me, you spent 12 years feeling lonely. I should've fought to find a way to stay here, but I didn't! It's all my fa-"

"Shh! Don't say that. It's not your fault, and it never was yours to begin with. During all of those years that you were gone, there wasn't a second that went by that I didn't think of you. I'll admit, it was painful without you being here, but it wasn't all that bad. You eventually came back, and do ya wanna know what the best part of your return was?" She looked up at me expecting an answer.

"That I got the chance to fall in love with you all over again." I leaned in and kissed her. She kissed me back and wrapped her arms around my neck while mine went around her waist. I deepened our kiss which I could tell that she liked. Her hands started to moved up and find its way through my hair. I was starting to run out of breath and so was (Y/N), so I broke the kiss and placed my head on hers and looked into her gorgeous (E/C) eyes.

"I love you, (Y/N). Always have and I always will."

"I love you too!" She smiled. That's what I wanted to see. I put my hand underneath her chin to kiss her again when the doors to the break room slammed opened.

"Oh! I'm sorry! Was I interrupting something?" Mike smirked. He killed the moment!

"Okay, that does it!" I got up and ran towards him. He turned around and tried to run away. I went after him, and tackled him to the floor. From outside the room, I could hear (Y/N) cracking up at us. That was that signature laugh of hers that I love oh so much.

(Yes!!! Part 2 is now completed as well!o(^▽^)o You guys don't know how long I've been trying to make this chapter happen! The confession chapter from Bonnie has been a success! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to sleep now. It's 1:56 a.m where I am, so nighty night!)

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