Falling Hard

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Chapter 15

Jade's POV (Didn't see that coming did you?!)

What kind of sick-twisted world do we live in?! (Y/N) left me in the office by myself in a terrifying pizza place. I thought that this was a place that was meant to make kids smile not scar them for life! How can (Y/N) work in such a horrible place?! Is she crazy?! 

I looked through the cameras, but I couldn't find her anywhere. I started to freak out even though she told me that she wouldn't be harmed. When I checked the camera that showed the main stage, I only saw two animatronics instead of three.  The bunny, the bear, and the ch- oh no. I scrambled through the cameras and frantically searched for the chicken. I found her right in front of a camera that looked really close to the office. I checked on the other two again to find the bunny now gone. I was able to find him near a few tables. Wasn't there someone else she told me to watch out for? Oh yeah, the fox. I switched the camera to his cove to see that nothing changed. PHEW!

I felt like I was being watched, so I got out of my chair and went to check the doors. I looked at the right one to see the chicken right there. I screamed and slammed it shut. I ran to the other and checked the light to find the bunny there too. I screamed even louder this time and slammed that door down as well. I grabbed the tablet and hid under the desk. I could see both of their eyes through the windows as I sat there. 

"Can't get me, freak shows!" I exclaimed.

"You sure about that?" The bunny chuckled. Wait, they talk?!

"You're wasting a lot of power on your first night. Before you know it, your power is going to go o-" And just like that my power went out.  Great. That's just....great.

"Spoke too soon. Have fun!" The bunny and the chicken left, but I could see someone else appear at the door. Before I could get my thoughts together, I watched the figure's eyes light up as he played a really creepy song. I. Am. So. Dead.

~~~Back When You Left the Office~~~~~~


I went down the hallway to the employee break room. I needed to call Mike ASAP. I pulled out my phone and dialed his number. It rang, and rang, and rang, but he didn't pick up. I called again. By the fourth ring, he answered.

"Mike, where the heck are you?!" I yelled. He mumbled something, but I couldn't hear what he said.

"Do you not know what time it is?"

"Crap! I'll be there shortly, just hold on."

'"Alright. I'll see you soon." I hung up. As I left the room, I bumped into someone. It was Bonnie.

"Hey, Bon!" I smiled.

"Hey, (Y/N)." He turned into his human form and hugged me. I, of course, hugged back. 

"Whatcha doing?" He asked sweetly.

"To ask you guys if you could not kill my friend in the security office." He let go of me and backed away a little while not giving me any eye contact.


"As much as I want to help you, I can't answer that question. You'll have to ask Freddy that."

"Okay. Thanks for your help." I got closer to him and kissed him on the cheek. I can't believe I did that! I could feel my face heat up and I saw a small tint of red spread across Bonnie's face. As I walked away to go talk to Freddy, I allowed myself to smile at what I did. 

Even Robots Need Blankets- Bonnie x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now