9. Kicking The Shit Out of Kacchan? Yes Please

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Oh my fucking fuck. Chapter 304 and 305 happened and i literally said all my Headcanons would come back to bite me in the ass. I just want everyone to appreciate the Sixth, did you see how he sat. DID YOU SEE MR. HIKAGE SHINOMORI?

:: I am going to faint deadass. ⚰

The users and their personalities will remain the same! Even if its atrociously wrong 🌚. Their names would be nice though, juSt a tHouGhT. And if they have cool quirks i can't wait to weave it into the story.

Anyway lets beat up Kacchan yay. Another 4000 words for these trying times. The way i wrote this to upbeat cute songs bye.


"I am coming through the door like a normal person!" All Might boomed cheerfully, coming through the classrooms door nothing like a normal person. Immediately, the tension from the earlier break in melted away, leaving nothing but excitement and joy.

Nana slapped her knee comedically, choking out half a laugh. "Ha! Comedy gold, you've got me rolling in my grave Toshi. Keep it up!" That last part was spoken more like a threat than a cheerful exclamation. Still, that didn't deter the Sixth from looking at her weirdly.

"What part of that was funny? I'm not even alive and I'm feeling the second hand embarrassment from this man." He shivered. "I prefer Small Might."

"Small Might looks like a faint gust of wind could blow him over though." The Second added unhelpfully, earning a glare from Nana. "What? You can't eye assault me for being right."

The Third groaned loudly, hitting his head off of the invisible barrier the tether created, he looked like a French mime. "I don't want to play hero again. I did it for a good 20 years." Daigoro raised an incredulous eyebrow at him before shrugging.

"Just sit out then."

"How do i do that then, Mole Man?"

"If anyone could break the laws of the universe itself just to rest, it would be you or Aizawa." The bald man shrugged at the Third, holding the latters eye contact for as long as they could in an accidental staring contest neither of them wanted to lose. Staring contests happened often between the ghosts; most of the time they were pretty tame but there was always a sore loser.

It was the Third who caved first, squeezing his eyes tightly shut as if that would make the world around him disappear. "I suppose you have a point." He sighed amd Daigoro made a disconnected sound of triumph.

"Combat Training!" All Might yelled loudly, startling the ghosts who were only really used to Aizawa and his one tone voice. They each looked up to get a lovely view of All Might flexing his muscles; the Sixth gagged, covering his face with both hands.

"Why? Why is he doing that? Where is his restraint? I'm so embarrassed."

"If you've got it, flaunt it i guess." Nana chirped, copying her students movements. "That's what i taught him, atta boy!"

"Stop before i cry."

The second flicked Bakugo on the forehead from his position atop the boys desk. "He went feral, damn look at that face." Curiosity got the better of the others and soon they all found themselves gathered around the blondes desk.

"Truly a face only a mother could love." The Third said sagely.

"I wouldn't even bank on his mother loving him honestly."

Nana frowned at the group of snickering men, most of whom were actual adults. Sure she could understand Sixpack making an off handed insult directed at the viscous blonde since kids were kids but the others? "Do you find enjoyment in bullying a child?"

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