Truths and Lies (Part 2)

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The world blurred and trembled. She was back in the battle, back at the Cauldron. She looked down and screamed. Her mate, laying dead in here arms. She sobbed, clutching him tightly to he chest; but when she looked down again, it was Elain there, not breathing. Then Nesta, then Mor, Cassian, Azriel, Amren. Each and every person that she loved, dead, all because of her. Because of her. Because of her. Because of her.

I quickly jolted awake, panting from my nightmare; and immediately, I felt a sharp pain in my leg, and a dull ache everywhere else. 

It was then that what had just happened came crashing into me. I remembered flying and then as I turned to look at what had caught my eye, pain. I remembered an ash arrow in my leg and trying to land before everything went dark and I could remember no longer. 

My eyes shot up, and I took in my surroundings. That was one of the first things that Az had taught me. I could easily recall him telling me, "If you are ever moved to another place, always take in the exits and possible threats. Try to figure out a way to get out of there, there is usually a way out of any situation, no matter how perilous." 

As I looked around though, my heart dropped dead in my chest. I knew this room, this bed, this closet, this nightstand. I knew this place.

The place where I first found love. The place where I was almost destroyed. The place of my nightmares. The Spring Court.

I couldn't think, couldn't function, couldn't breathe. I was back. I was back and trapped. It had all just been an elaborate dream. Rhys, Velaris, my family, all gone. I was back with Tamlin like before. 

My chest became tight and constricted and I felt my power rising to the surface as horrid images of Under the Mountain, Amarantha, and Hybern flashed in my head. I was spiraling down into my mind in my panic and then there was darkness everywhere. Not the soothing darkness that I was used to from my mate, but a harsh, unforgiving darkness that consumed everything in its path. 

Calm, calm, my mind said. Not real, not real.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed and I was dragged out of my thoughts. I quickly took a moment to master myself and regain my composure. I was the High Lady of the Night Court, mate of Rhysand, Cursebreaker, Protector of Velaris. Where I was would not change that. Would not change me. I was a wolf, and I would not be caged again.

I smelled a stifling, musty scent of roses and spring, one that was familiar to me, and one that I hated because of the terrible memories that it brought back and the person that came along with it.

As the High Lord of the Spring Court walked into the room to greet me, I rose as gracefully as possible, while being careful not to show the pain and soreness that still wracked my body, and quickly cut him off before he could speak. 

"Why did you attack me as I was flying? Why am I here? What do you want from me? And lastly, take me back to the Night Court now." I said, leveling a cool, assessing stare at him.

Tamlin's face contorted in shock at my harsh tone and indifferent demeanor; and a little bit of those primal Fae instincts came rising to the surface as he let out a low growl. My back locked up, spine straight as a rod. 

"Feyre," He said, with a sickly, condescending, sweetness in his voice. "What are you talking about?"

I continued glaring at him.

"You're home now, in the Spring Court. Away from that monster Rhysand and his nightmare court."

At the mention of my mate and my family I growled at him harshly. 

"You do not know of which you speak. My mate and my family are who I belong with right now. I belong in my court, in my city, protecting and watching over my people. Not here with you, in your pathetic, weak, abominable excuse for a court." I spat.

He tried to speak, grasping for words to try to bring me down, spin illusions in my mind, make me believe that I was his. Before he could say a word however, I started talking, leaving him shocked.

"I am the High Lady of the Night Court, and you have taken me from my home by your own free will. You have attacked and injured me, causing my powers to be depleted. You have confined me in your court, meanwhile leaving mine without one of their leaders. You have committed an act of war in stealing me away, and you will be lucky if the Night Court does not choose to act in retribution."

At that, I let what little I still had of my power rise up and encase the room. Inky shadows swirled like smoke, twisting and curling through the room. This was the darkness that was feared and respected. The darkness that brought out people's worst nightmares and daydreams. Not the beautiful darkness that belonged to my mate and my people; the darkness of the true Night Court. 

From the fearful look on Tamlin's face I knew that my shadows had done their job, and I called them back to me, careful to let a little bit of that unholy darkness remain in my eyes. 

"I am ready to go back to my court now." I demanded, expecting him to acquiesce immediately. My bewilderment when he didn't must have shown on my face because he quickly sneered at me, finally dropping the stupid act that he had been putting on. 

I expected him to give me a grand speech in which he would insult me before bringing me back to my court, but to my surprise he simply said: "You will not be retuning to the Night Court," his voice devoid of emotion. Then he turned and walked out, slamming the door behind him.

The sound of the door slamming echoed through the room, and it was then that I realized how lonely I was here. I missed Rhys so much, and my heart yearned for the comfort of Mor, Cass, Az, and Amren. I missed Elain and Nesta too, and I wondered how they were doing. How all of them were doing. They must be frantic with worry and panic. Rhys must be losing his mind. I wished I could winnow home to them, but my powers were still too dulled from the Ashwood arrow that I had taken to my leg earlier. 

Despite not being able feel anything of Rhys through our bond, I still tried to convey my love and worry and images of the Spring Court down the bond before falling into a deep, exhaustion and pain induced slumber.



Feyre had disappeared eight hours, and 27 minutes ago. She had been out flying, enjoying the vast territory of our court when suddenly I felt a flash of pain and then the bond went silent. 

After a few minutes of panic and fear consuming me, Mor rushed into the room to see what was going on. Apparently I had lost a hold on some of my power, and Mor saw darkness flooding out of my room and got worried. She worked to calm me down and after my breathing was restored and my body had stopped trembling I told her everything. She had contacted the rest of the Inner Circle and they were there within the hour. 

We had spent hours arguing and worrying over who had taken Feyre and if she was alright. Eventually, it became enough that I slunk off to my bedroom and tried to fall asleep. Right as I was nodding off though, I suddenly felt longing and worry and love from the mating bond.  I quickly hopped off the bed and started pacing with excitement. A few minutes later, came an image of a familiar rose vine covered manor. Tamlin's manor. 

My blood started boiling at the sight of that wretched place. That piece of shit had taken my mate from me one too many times. It was time to get her back and end him once and for all.

I quickly mind spoke to Mor, Cassian, Azriel, and Amren and told them to get their asses over to the townhouse immediately. Once they arrived, I told them what had happened and with devilish grins that promised unending violence and malice on our faces, we winnowed into the Spring Court.


Hi! I hope that you all liked this chapter! I will be finishing this mini one-shot series as soon as I have some time. School is a killer and it consumes the most of my time. I'll try to get it out within the next two weeks though!


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