My name is Edward I am currently 13 years old, I was born in Miami Florida in April 6 1999. I go to a
Middle school called the West Miami Middle school. I'm currently going to my first year in 8th grade obviously, and I want to date so many girls in my last year in middle school. First things first i really like girls who are thirsty for me first. And also I really talk about girls body because I don't want my friends to think I'm gay if I don't. I am very nervous because I am going to have a wild adventure in my 8th grade year. I also better have good classes with good hot girls and all my friends because it will be live if I have all my things planned out correctly. I also I want good teachers and good grades and I want to be a NBA player Brother!
Obsessive boy
RomansaA story about a boy who is very desperate to date girls on his last year in middle school.