7. Restrain

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In the morning when Kira emerged out of her room, she looked exhausted. Her face looked wilted and pale and her eyes were puffy. She made her way to the breakfast table as she clutched her head feeling a headache oncoming.

The next moment, she felt a sudden pull making her scream that echoed throughout the house. When she stabled, she found that Gouenji had circled his arms around her waist, looking at her with interest.

"What are you doing? I'm dizzy. " She said as she felt the room moving.

"Just making sure my wife is alright. " He answered with amusement as he inadvertently moved closer wanting to kiss her. But as if breaking away from his trance he changed his tone.

"Perhaps it's not the best course of action. "

"You can't even stay close to me without falling apart. How are you ever going to convince me your way of life is better?" Kira quickly reasoned.

"Do I have to? It won't be a problem when you're no longer human. " He replied instantly.

"That doesn't matter. This seems like a weakness to me. I don't want to forever live in the fear of losing control of myself like you do. " With that, she got herself out of his hold and made her way to breakfast.

Mr. Watanabe had already set the table and went away. She sat down in her usual spot and began putting food on her plate.

Gouenji was struck dumb for a moment with her answer. He remained motionless in his spot for a while but once he broke out of his stupor he quickly walked up to her and sat beside her.

"So, if I can prove to you that I can overcome this barrier between us, would you change your decision?" He asked with a lot of hope.

"I can't say for sure but it would certainly be a step in the right direction." She answered between bites.

"Alright, alright. " He muttered under his breath as he pondered over the proposition.

"I can do it. " He then announced a bit louder.

At this, Kira paused eating. She brought her hand to his side, caressing through his hair in a way that made her wrist right next to his ear. The sound of her pulse instantly unleashed his vampiric instincts, making his eyes glow like white embers.

"I don't think you can without my help. " She whispered mischievously, unperturbed by his state.

He made an annoyed grunt and stood up with a force that made the heavy chair topple over. Without making an effort to pick it up he walked away with hasty steps. Kira watched his actions with interest and then resumed her breakfast.


That night when Kira approached him in his room with a book in her hand, she found him still pacing around in agitation instead of calmly sitting on his bed as usual. He seemed to be wracking his brain most likely about the challenge Kira had put forth.

"If you're occupied I can come by later. " She interrupted him.

"No, come in. " He replied in a way that sounded more like a command.

Kira walked in and went to sit on her usual chair but Gouenji caught hold of her wrist.

"Sit here. " He directed as he sat down on his bed gesturing for her to follow.

Kira complied and followed his actions. As she sat down he shifted closer to her, so close, that Kira got worried he would get agitated again. And it seemed she was right as she could see his demeanor change.

He stared at her with focus and for the first time, Kira could see his sparkling eyes from so close. She found herself tied by his gaze, unable to move, unable to look away.

"Talk to me. " His voice quivered as he drew in a breath.

"About what?" She managed to speak.

"Anything. Just distract me. " He frowned as if he was running out of time.

"So...this book. " Kira picked up the book she had brought and began talking about it. She talked about the things she liked, the things she didn't, the things she found difficult to understand and asked if he would explain it to her. He listened intently, eyes fixed on her face, mind focused on her voice and the things she said.

He answered everything she asked, although his sentences derailed often, and half an hour passed in conversation. During this time, Gouenji had calmed down and his breath was steady. Kira noticed it and smiled. At this, his concentration broke, and again he was overwhelmed.

"I can't do it anymore." He said in an exhausted tone," Go now. "

Kira got up and made her way out. Just as she reached the threshold she stopped and looked back at him.

"That was impressive." Her quiet words were accompanied by a coy smile.


Gouenji insisted Kira see him every day instead of every other day so he can learn to be around her. Kira cooperated and did as he said but she never tried to actively guide him as she had once done for him.

They sat close just as the first day of this mission. He tried to stay as long as possible, gradually adding small increments to their time together. At first, he had to strain a lot to stay focused on her speaking but gradually he became used to it and could listen to her easier.

After ten days of this, one day, Kira didn't talk. When he asked her to do so and instead responded with,

"I have run out of things to talk about. Besides, you can't expect me to be speaking every time you're around me. You know I prefer silence anyway. "

Gouenji didn't respond and there was silence for several moments. He kept staring at her as if thinking about something. There was absolute stillness in the atmosphere, he was perfectly calm.

Kira was surprised to see his progress. She was sure he wouldn't be able to tame his primal instincts in such a few days. She thought he was pulling some kind of ruse so she decided to test him further.

She shifted closer and looked up to see if his eyes were glowing yet. She was yet again surprised to see his eyes just sparkling as usual, there was no fiery glow in them.

He grinned mischievously, knowing he was winning, his fangs peeking from behind his lips.

Kira responded to his smugness by once again pushing her hands through his hair. As the sound of her pulse fell directly into his ears for a moment he thought he wouldn't be able to hold onto his composure anymore. But he wasn't going to let that hard work go to waste. He took a deep breath and focused on Kira's face instead.

Kira raised her brows and smiled indicating she was surprised but impressed. Her hands were still in his hair and she grabbed a handful and pulled his head closer to hers. She stopped when their lips were almost touching and looked up into his eyes to check up on his state one final time.

"You've done well." She whispered almost inaudibly but given the stillness of the atmosphere, she could be easily heard.

Gouenji responded by closing the gap between their lips. He had passed every challenge Kira had put forth and was no longer afraid he would hurt her. The surety showed in his actions as he pulled her as close as he could in a secure hold that couldn't be broken until he wanted to let go. Now nothing could stop him from holding her and kissing her as much as he liked and he made sure to let her know that he wanted to do it a lot.

By the time they broke apart, Kira was dizzy and immediately fell back on the bed gasping and giggling. Gouenji lounged beside her, propping up his head by his hand.

"So, what's your next demand?" He asked, still amused at his victory.

At this, Kira turned her head sideways to look at him. She was still out of breath but she responded,

"Oh, this isn't over yet."

With that, she got up instantly and left. 

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