Runaway (Alternative Ending)

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Bonjour à tous, avant de commencer, je voudrais encore remercier ItsYaGirlKit de m'avoir permis d'écrire cette fin alternative. Leur histoire m'a donné tellement d'émotions que je me suis sentie obligée de faire une fin alternative.


J'espère que je serai à la hauteur de l'excellence de leur travail.
Je m'excuse à l'avance pour les erreurs potentielles que vous pourriez trouver dans ce texte. L'anglais n'est pas ma langue maternelle.

Bonne lecture et soyez prudent.


«Eh bien, ma chérie? Il avait insisté pour que vous restiez dans la même pièce que Viola. Vous saviez que c'était juste une autre forme de contrôle; vous seriez obligé de garder la voix basse pour ne pas déranger le bébé endormi. Il l'avait parfaitement planifié; parce que, bien sûr, il l'a fait. Presque personne n'est resté dans le bâtiment; tous les principes étaient à la plage, à l'église ou au shopping.

Bien sûr, vous n'en attendiez pas moins de lui, vous aviez appris à connaître cette autre facette qu'il cachait constamment à son entourage, celle qu'il avait réussi à vous cacher pour vous attirer dans sa toile.

Au fond de vous, vous saviez qu'il avait déjà planifié plusieurs mouvements à venir et que vous étiez déjà désavantagé. Une partie de vous voulait que cette torture cesse, pour que tout redevienne comme avant. Que l'homme que vous pensiez épouser reviendrait, mais l'autre partie de vous savait très bien qu'il était l'Alastor que vous aviez aimé autrefois et que votre cœur voulait toujours désespérément aimer ne reviendrait pas, parce qu'il n'avait pas existé. C'était juste un mensonge, un masque.

Your eyes drifted for a moment to the cradle in which Viola slept peacefully, completely unaware of the world around her, unaware that her father was there, and tormented you in the most sadistic way to make you return with him to New Orleans. You gritted your teeth as you watched this poor little girl being used without consideration by his own father as an object to torture you.

Well what?" you asked with your head held high and your arms crossed in a defensive gesture. He turned his back to the door, blocking your only way out.

"Hm. Perhaps I should start?" he asked lightly as he clasped his hands behind him and rocked on his heels. You clung to all the will that your soul held deep inside and held his gaze. You had managed to escape him once. You could face him. You could do it. You were no longer alone. No matter how much that terrified part screamed the opposite. .

Alastor walked towards you and you felt in spite of yourself that you had almost taken a step backwards unconsciously. You bit your tongue and glanced at your sleeping baby again. And that's when the courage you were already starting to lose came back to you.

You were not to forget who you had run away for. You didn't have to forget who had saved you, no, you didn't have the right to give up. No matter how difficult or even impossible it might seem to you. Viola had given you the chance to find within yourself the will to escape the man who was now in front of you and who had tilted your chin to force you to look at him. What you did was to lose the coldness in your eyes.

"A year ago, I came home from work. Eager to see my lovely wife and have a delicious dinner and instead I found myself robbed with this," he produced your wedding ring from his pocket, the rose gold band glinted in the light, "on the counter, and no lovely wife to be seen." His eyes narrowed, but that pleasant smile never wavered on his face. "Now, you can imagine how heartbreaking this was for me. I never knew you could be so cruel," he bopped you on the nose as he pocketed the ring once more. "I thought for certain 'No, my little doe wouldn't do this to me. She will surely be back soon.' And I waited. And you never showed."

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