Hawkins High

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Hawkins High

After that, Joyce told Veronica and Jonathan to go to school.

She was flustered and emotional, the whole thing had wound up knots in her stomach.

Tight, unforgiving knots.

She told them that she'd call the Henderson's, and Sinclairs to check if he'd maybe gone back with them.

The trip to the Byers house past both of their houses.

Maybe he was too tired to make it home.

Maybe he stayed with one of them.



Jonathan drove this time.

Usually they'd set off at different times, in different cars.
But today they were both running late due to the absence of their younger brother.

"Well you weren't there either Jonathan!" Veronica, yet again argued with him.

As he drove quickly down the main road on the way to Hawkins High School.

The two of them had been arguing all morning about it.

As soon as Veronica was dressed they left.

Passing their mother on the phone as they left.

Bickering the whole journey.

"I was working you know, providing the family - our family! Meanwhile, you're screwing Steve Harrington!"

"I was not!!"

"That's what I've heard!" Jonathan yelled again, slamming the breaks as they screeched to a red light.

"From who exactly! Think you need to check your ears Jonathan, he's screwing round with Nancy Wheeler now." Veronica huffed in annoyance at the argument. Her eyes staring out the window. Her entire body facing away from him.

Typical of the Byers twins to be going at each other.

"Oh really." Jonathan replied a slight disappointment in his tone. Looking at her for a moment. Then turning back to road, pulling away when the light shone green.

"Yeah sorry lover boy." Veronica responded not too carefully.
Clearly disregarding her brothers previous feelings for the eldest Wheeler.

Propping her feet up on his dashboard.


"What you've had a crush on her since what like the 3rd grade?"  Veronica murmured, watching the trees go by in a green blur outside of  the window.

"So? You've been traipsing after Steve for forever."

"Have not." She murmured at him again.

"Have too!"

"Right we're here. I'm getting out." Veronica stated, spotting the High school sign fast approaching.

Jonathans car was still moving when Veronica declared it was time to get out. Opening the car door, as they rolled into the car park.

Without another word between them she slammed the door shut, as he pulled into a parking bay.

Veronica made her way towards the school doors.

Tossing on her duffel bag onto her shoulder, as the hustle of the school began.

The bell must have just gone. - She thought to herself.

The continuous river of teenagers swamped the halls of Hawkins High, the smell strong as many high school smells are.

She had math first, an absolute bore in her opinion. None the less she began to make her way there.

Pushing through the halls, those around her did the same.

Getting to the door of her class, she spotted someone waiting for her.

Steve was leaning against the door frame, his eyes being above the freshmen below him.

"You made it." He laughed. "I was beginning to doubt you Byers." Tapping his watch with his finger and shaking his head in disappointment. Much like a mother does to a cheeky child.

"Never doubt me Harrington." She said walking past him, hearing him chuckle behind her, making her smile.

They sat in their respective chairs on opposite sides of the room. Smiling at each other briefly.

Once the class began, Veronica also began thinking. Not about Math, about Will.

Where the hell was Will if he wasn't at the Sinclair's or the Henderson's?

I'd like to think he'd talk to me before he'd run away? - Veronica thought to herself as her teacher handed her a paper, tapping a pencil on her chin.

He wouldn't run away. - She thought.

"Your time starts, now."

Veronica looked down.

A test.

This is going to be a long day.

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