Kyle O'Reilly

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"Just go out with him already!" My friend, Shotzi tells me. "No, he's not my type." I tell her. "Oh, come on dude. He is such a simp for you!" She says "No he is not" I respond, "Uh. Yeah, he is. He would walk through fire for you, and you two aren't even dating!" Shotzi rambles. "Sunday is Valentines day, if he is really that into me then he'd ask me out." I say filling Shotzi's head up with thoughts "Wait, so if he did, what would you say?" Shotzi asks "I don't know, probably no." I say just to anger Shotzi, "What?! C'mon Y/N/N you would have to yes!" She replies "You're saying as if he is actually going to ask me out." I say "What if he does" Shotzi asks "I will say yes" I say truthfully. "Wait really?! I thought you didn't like him?" Shotzi says "No, I do like him, I just like watching your blood boil more." I laugh, Shotzi just flips me off. "I'll see you later" I say walking off "Bye!" Shotzi yells after I'm already 6 feet down the hallway.


(Sunday, Takeover Vengeance Day)

I was walking through the Capital Wrestling Center seeing couples everywhere, ugh I hated Valentines day. "Hey!" I turn around as I see Shotzi in her ring gear, "Wassup!" I reply "Soo.. has Kyle asked you out yet?" Shotzi asks "No." I say "You seem bummed did you want him to ask you out?" Shotzi asks "Kind of" I say playing with the rips on my jeans "Well you still have the rest of the night" Shotzi assures me. "Yeah, I guess you're right." I respond. "Okay well I have to go finish getting ready for a match, see ya!" Shotzi says "Bye Shotzi!" I reply. After an hour, I was sitting watching the Dusty Cup match on the monitor, then I felt a presence behind me. I turn around and see Kyle. "Hi!" I say "Hey" Kyle smiles "Uhm, can I ask you something?" Kyle asks "Sure" I smile "W-Will you be m-my Valentine?" Kyle manages to say, "Uhm. Yeah, yeah. Yes! Of course." I smile "Okay then these are for you" He says as he pulls out three fruit roll-ups from his pocket, "I know you don't like chocolate, so Shotzi said to get you these" Kyle says "Thank you, but, Shotzi?" I ask "Yeah. She helped me to build the courage to ask you out." Kyle tells me "Oh, okay." I say "So, does this mean that we are dating or?" Kyle asks hoping to receive a yes "That's only if you wanna be" I tease already knowing the answer. "Yes, I do!" Kyle says almost yells. "Okay then it's official!" I say as he kisses your cheek, I look at him and smile then kiss his lips, then walked off. "She has no idea what she does to me." Kyle whispered to himself as he watches me walk off.

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