Jordan Devlin

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My boyfriend of two years, Jordan Devlin, is currently in the UK. Due to Covid we aren't able to be together because both of our travel is banned. 


Today is Thursday and I was lowkey kind of pissed because I had to work overtime at my job last night, meaning I missed NXT and Regal's two major announcements. You see, I'm not a wrestler like my boyfriend, I actually have a pretty normal life and job. I work at Starbucks. Which is actually how I met my Jordan. He came in ordered some coffee, we got to know each other and we started dating! I live in an apartment, I have one dog, and if you looked at me or my lifestyle you wouldn't think that I am dating the WWE Cruiserweight champion.


Today is Thursday so I had work, and Thursdays are our busiest days. No one really knows why but people like to drink coffee on Thursdays. 

I watched highlights on YouTube from last nights show, since I didn't have time to watch the full show. I was leant over the counter watching my phone, as Regal introduce the new women's tag titles. "Y/N!" I hear my boss say, "Drive Thru duty!" My boss demands "Right, I'm sorry" I reply, "Sorry isn't going to cut it, give me your phone." He says "Ugh, fine. Here" I say giving him my phone. Gosh, he always speaks to me as if I'm in the principal's office or something.

Four hours later, I was finally able to go home. I was greeted by my dog and sister who always dog-sits for me. Once my sister left, I showered and watched Atypical on Netflix, I ended up falling asleep.


One Week Later: Monday

I sighed as I got up from my bed getting ready for another boring day of work. I got in the shower then into uniform. 

I arrived early, 6:30 am to be exact. There was only two other people there. They were both girls I was friends with, Kiara and Riley. "Yes!" I whispered to myself as I walked through the doors and behind the counter. "At least I get to open up the store with people I actually like" I say with a laugh "Right", "Thank god" The girls laugh. We open at 8 am. But there was a knock at our door, if it was an employee they would have just opened the door, unless it's Tyrone he always forgets his key, idiot. But anyways, it was only 6: 52. "Who is that?" Kiara asks "I don't know" I respond "I swear if it's Tyrone again Ima beat his a-" Riley began, "Tyrone is coming in today he texted me saying he was sick" Kiara says "What if it's a serial killer?" Riley fools, "It's not a serial killer" I laugh "Well then go open it!" Riley says "Hell no, it's a serial killer!" I whisper yell "I know I'm black, but I'm not dying first" Kiara says "Oh just shut up I'll go get it!" I say as Kiara and Riley slowly follow behind me as I got closer to the door, the figure looked familiar, it was dark and gloomy out so I couldn't make out the face. I open it and notice it was Jordan! "Surprise!" Jordan says "Oh my god, Jordan!" I yell as I jump into his arms wrapping my legs around him. The girls sigh in relief. "Baby, what are doing here?" I ask "Well, first off, theses are for you" He begins as he gives me flowers "And, I'm here because I wanted to surprise you. So, I talked to management and they allowed me to have some storylines with Santos in NXT." Jordan finished "Wow, that's great baby I'm  so proud of you." I tell him as he kisses me "Gag" Kiara says with a fake look of disgust and Riley just stands there in awe. "Ah, yes, Kiara, how are you, lass?" Jordan says sitting down catching up with us three. 

Jordan stays the whole day until I got off. Gosh, what a sweetheart. He's such a busy man and to think he took time out of his day just to watch me serve coffee to randos off the street is so adorable, I love him. 


After work me and Jordan went to my apartment, my sister agreed to take my dog to her house and watch him for the rest of the week. Me and Jordan went to my room and he sat on my bed, while I got dressed in more comfortable clothes. Me and Jordan have never had sex before but he has seen me naked, well half naked. In my bra and underwear, that's why I didn't mind getting (un)dress in front of him. After I was finished I sat on the bed with Jordan, "Babe, I have another surprise for you" He says grabbing my hand "I love you, and I want to share a home with you, so I bought us a house here in Florida." He says with his cute ass smile "Really? Baby! Oh my gosh, I- I- Uh. Thank you so much." I scramble my words from excitement "Anything for you, love" He says kissing my cheek "We can go check it out tomorrow, but as of right now" He says staring deeply into my eyes, probably my soul too, and licking his lips. He kisses me and I kiss back. His usual sweet kisses turned into more sexual kisses, it turned me on. So, I slid one of my hands up his shirt feeling his abs. I got on top of him and began straddling his hips. He put one of his hands on my ass and the other on my hip. I began to ride him. Jordan moaned, he moaned, he fricking moaned, that was the first time I heard him moan, it was so hot. He took my shirt off, I took off his, ect. You know what happened next. 

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