Act 1 Chapter Six: The Outbreak(long)

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The next day approached me in a breeze. I did not remember when I even went to sleep, let alone went to my room. I woke up slowly and did my regular morning routine as I do every day. I got dressed, walked downstairs, and turned to put my hand on the knob to the front door when I paused in fear. I heard it; I did not want to turn around, I did not want to believe that someone was in my house. Someone, I had seen before.

"The lamb was sure to go..." The voice echoed around me. My mid begged me to open the door and run, while my body tormented me as it remained still. "Is that the way you treat your guests Stephen..." Logan said sarcastically as he let out a chuckle under his breath. I turned around quickly, looking at Logan sitting in a chair by the kitchen table, holding a pistol in his hands. The fear I had for Logan quickly demised and turned into anger. The same rage from yesterday consumed me, it took control. This time, being worse than before. I felt my body temperature rise, as I stood straight, facing Logan.

"Well, someone seems a bit upset, but before you do anything you will regret, let me assure you that I am not here to hurt you. I am simply here to give you a message." Logan said, glaring at me; however, he was not afraid, or in defense. He sat in a neutral position.

"Send me a message? I got a message for you! I am going to put a bullet in your head if you come in my house again!" I yelled

"That's the problem with this world. You all are so demanding, so afraid to let something new into your lives. You see, God brought me here, he told me exactly what I had to do today. Whether I like it or not, I had to do it... My message for you Stephen is that... I am sorry... I am sorry for everything you're about to go through. I am also sorry for lying to you when we met. My mother was not killed by intruders, but if you want to know more of the story, you're gonna have to find me." Logan whispered, as he laughed to himself softly. He slowly walked towards me and out my front door. For some reason my body did not move, nor did it react to Logan approaching me. I wanted to tackle him right there but I was frozen, frozen in fear.

I headed towards the Church later that day. I wanted to find some type of peace, some type of comfort. Like I said before, I was not a religious person; however, the Church made me feel safe sometimes, it helped me deal with the constant threats of the outside world. I walked inside the Church to see the exact opposite of what I expected. The Church was a place for peace, a place for sanctuary! If that was the case, then why the hell was Brain and Henry commanding a group of people armed with weapons?!

"What the hell is going on?" I asked in a stern tone. I had expected Henry to do something like this, but never Brain, never in Church. My voice bounced off the walls of the Church, creating no response. Everyone just ignored me.

I walked to where they were holding the guns and interrupted the silence. "Hey! Did you hear me? What do you plan on doing with those huh?" I asked glaring at Henry. Henry slowly looked up at me away from the double-barreled shotgun he had been holding. His eyes looked sad, as if he had been crying recently. Before he said anything, Brain turned to me, looking sympathetic.

"They took him... They took him..." Henry mumbled as he looked down back at his gun. I glanced at Brain for a second.

"Who- Who took who? What are you talking about Henry?" I asked. My throat seemed clogged; I already knew the answer to the questions I asked.

"They took Nathan! Dammit! Those bastards took him! And we are going to get him back!" Yelled Henry in my face. I froze at the thought of it. I could not imagine Nathan getting taken by anyone. He was too nice, he was not strong enough on his own, he would not survive situations like being faced to kill someone to escape if it came to it.

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