Act 1: The Wolf. Chapter One: Logan

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The Wolf ^Copyright@2018 by T

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The Wolf ^Copyright@2018 by T. Jones-Rookard

The aftermath of all this did not end the way it is supposed to. Everyone seemed to have lost something in the end. The lost town of Spring County, California is now nothing but ashes of remains and memories of the past. Logan Killicks was the reason why this happened; however, we were blamed for this chaos. He claimed to have the answers for everything, and at first glance he seemed to be correct; however, in the end, even he could not save Spring County. He arrived and conquered Spring County two years ago, and the people are still trying to recover from the aftermath. He manipulated people, changed them, he called them his children, his followers; however, they were monsters. Changed completely just by listening to his words. Family and friends were now completely changed, fighting each other, spreading blood for one man who they barely knew, but acted as if he was their savior. He arrived stating that he was the son of God, the rise of the fallen, and he convinced everyone who would listen that he was sent by him. He started converting people to his religion, or the "Red River." He told his followers that he came from the Red River to collect the souls of the pure. The man that started this all is currently in the ASHES mental institution, but the place itself is pretty twisted. He stated how he had planned for all of this to happen, how he was supposed to get locked in this institution and I believe him. Those who do not understand this story will judge those who tried to survive through it. They will judge people like me, who fought to resist Logan's tactics. In the end, no one escapes fate. I am currently headed to his room for an interview.

"You know, our hometown used to be a great place. People were free to do whatever they wanted. We did have our good moments, didn't we? Shame that it took us all this mess to finally understand each other. Just like the world huh? Cannot bond unless something tragic happens." The warm breath of the older man hit my face instantly. His sad-like eyes stared at me searching for a response.

"Not going to say anything huh? Fine. Let's just get this over with." We both walked down the dark, narrow hallway. As we passed sealed doors, we heard both screams of dammed and laughter of the mentally insane. The older man walking beside me was Henry Watson. He was a much older fellow in his fifties. He had a small grey beard, along with a short, stubble mustache. He was shorter than me, he is also the sheriff for the California police force. He taught me everything he knew, and tried to make me into his perfect image of a cop, but he was also ignorant, stubborn, if he wanted something done, he would go through hell and high water to get it done. We walked towards the final door in the hallway.

"This guy... He makes Lucifer seem like a good guy. " Said Henry chuckling softly. Henry grabbed his keys off his belt buckle and slowly unlocked the door and opened it as I closed the journal, I was writing in.

"Down by the River to pray... Well... This is quite the surprise isn't it? My old friends came back to visit me, my children have come to take me home. The sheep... managed to find their way back home. What can I do for you two my children?" Said the guy in the pod as he laughed aloud. The man was tall and lean. He looked younger than Henry but older than me. He had a shorter black beard than Henry and long slick back hair going down his back. His color was cream-white, but his eyes is what stood out the most.

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