Chapter Six

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"What's got you all glowing girl ?" Manuela asked coming off the elevator Prince had left a few hours ago with a fresh caramel cake and ice pack. "Oh nothing just been chilling out here Liv's napping in her room so." sitting down next to me she flipped her hair smiling hard, "I saw him last night." raising my eyebrow in confusion, "Eric girl oh my goodness the things that man makes me feel." shacking my head I still don't understand how she could have someone as loving and caring like Prince and she sleeps around on him with the Eric guy, "Why do you feel the need to be with Eric huh I mean come on girl you have a husband and from what you told me he gives you everything you could possibly need." rolling her eyes she stood up running her hand through her hair, groaning "Girl it is two thousand and five alright look I loved him okay I did but he spends so much of his time away in the studio or just not home so why not I mean I have all my needs taken care of I live in million dollar homes travel when ever I want wear the finest clothes money is never a problem so who care about all that other stuff I can have my cake and guess what I am going to enjoy eating it to." shaking my head sometimes I wonder how I became friends with this women.

"There is more than life to that alright there is money can't buy happiness alright." rolling her eyes again she snapped her head at me, "You maybe if you'd think like me and worry about getting some money you wouldn't be living in this dump off a loft and have your daughter be the poor kids at school." jumping out of my seat I wasn't about to let her talk about my child, "You know what I think it's best if you just go right now." picking up her designer bag she sashayed over to the elevator, "You know what call me when you calm down." and with that she got on the elevator and left this women was really starting to show her true colors, she was a money hungry women, "Mommy I am wake." Liv came out the back rubbing her eyes, "Did you have a good nap baby girl ?" nodding she went into the kitchen over to the fridge getting out some apple juice, "Momma is Mr. Prince your friend ?" sitting at the counter I looked at my baby girl all her curly hair just wild but she still looked beautiful. "Umm yeah were secret friends which means you can't tell anybody about him visiting alright." nodding her head she walked around the counter in front of me, "Mom how come you never talk about your mom and dad ?" looking down at her I hated when she would want to know more at some point but it's honestly best that she doesn't know anything about those psycho.

"Why don't you go in your room and get your hair brushed for me and then we can go get our nails do." letting it go she quickly moved walked off to her room looking back at me before disappearing down the hall to her room. Grabbing my cell I quickly called my brother, "What Renity I am working right now !" he gave his usual greeting, my brother is a stock broker and I mean he works and works and works, but when he's not working I mean he takes care of Ciara and makes sure I am alright so I guess it's good. "Why have you been talking to Oliva about those ass holes!"

"Sis she deserves to know where we come from alright we need to know that I mean come sis I didn't get into detail I just told her that we don't talk to them anymore and that she's better off here with you." he pleaded his case on our parents, "Bull alright I don't care about them okay and you shouldn't either don't you remember what they did to Terrance what they did to us," hearing him let out a deep sigh let me know he was remembering, "Serenity I got to go alright I'll come by when I can and with that he hung up. "Let it go, let it go Serenity just block it all out don't let it get to you alright just let it go." I coached my self sliding on my flip flop and grabbing my wallet as Liv came out of the back with her hair in a ponytail and her shoes on. "Alright baby doll come let's get to the nail salon and after me and you can get dinner or something."

After the nail salon we went to dinner at our usual dinner and went home only to find Prince sitting our sofa eating my left over vegan lasagna. "You know just cause you know where I live doesn't mean that you can just randomly pop over here and raid my fridge." laughing he continued to eat with out a care, "Alright, I'll let you know when I am coming next time but tell me what else can you cook ?" laughing Liv ran into the kitchen, "You know all your food is amazing hon I mean amazing it's like when ever I taste it I mean it's just delicious." smiling as Liv came back in the room with a bowl of my famous Italian Mushroom soup. "Here if you think her lasagna's try this everyone loves my uncle when he had his first date with Aunty Ciara well he had momma make it and well they've been together ever since." smiling Prince took the bowl and ate some closing his eyes, "It taste amazing Ren I mean come on this is amazing alright this is so good." taking another taste he looked at me with a smile I loved the way food got into people and just put a smile on there faces. "Have you ever thought of going to culinary school ?" looking down at the floor I wanted to tell him yes I went to culinary school and had the money to get what I need but no I didn't have the funds or time to get it done.

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