Twenty One

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"Get out of my house right now." looking back me she just leaned back sipping from the glass, "Now is that anyway to treat your mother ?" Setting her glass down on my coffee table she stood up running her hands down her dress, "My mother is dead." Nodding her head she looked around the room, until her eyes came back to me, "Is that what you tell your self, Serenity come on now you know it's not that easy." walking over to me she placed her chest against the gun this women was insane, Raising her finger to my head, "I am in here and you can't get rid of me you can't." taking me head with each word I moved away from her putting the gun down, "Get out." laughing again she looked over at the wall where a picture of me and Oliva hung. "That child is a sin unto the raku, you need to rid yourself of it and repent your father will forgive you and so will the raku if you just-"

"Shut the fuck up and get your psychotic bullshit." shaking her head as if I was a disappointing her or some shit, "Well I guess I need to relay the message from your father." going over she grabbed her purse pulling out two letter that holding them out to me, "Keep them and get out like I said my mother is dead to me so right now you are a stranger that  has broken into my home and I am calling the cops." the look of rage that cover her face made me cower I knew the pain this women could cause me physically, seeing that her look put fear in my still she smirked tossing her purse on her shoulder walking over to the door, but before leaving she turned to face me, "I'd be very careful Serenity you know it'd be a shame if something was to happen that demonic seed of yours!"

"Get your ass out of my house right now or you'll wish you'd never walked up in this bitch." rolling her eyes she walked out with out putting up a fight, there was no car out front but I know that she didn't walk her looney ass here. Quickly pulling out my phone I couldn't call Terrance he was back in LA handling business and there only one other person I can call right now.


"Alright I am going on break please try to keep the place from falling down while I am gone." I instructed my team walking out the security room, being the head of security is not as easy as it looks especially for some one as picky as Prince but he's my brother and well I protect him with my life. Going straight for the cafeteria to grab me something to eat I was stopped by my cell ringing, lord it's always something. "Hello." hearing heavy breathing on the other end worry immediately set in, "Hello."

"Kirk I need you to bring me Oliva right now okay I need you to bring her to me right now!" Serenity shouted in my ears, "First of all I am going to need you to calm down alright she's with Prince right now and well I am not about to get in the middle you and Prince." getting a loud scream from her it made me feel like I wasn't talking with the rational Serenity turning around and going straight for the studio where Prince and Oliva are I could hear her yelling still on the other end, "You mother fuckers seem to forget I am her god damn mother you balled headed mother fucker I am not in the mood for no games I need my daughter here with me right now!"

"Serenity I don't know what's going on with you but as your friend your not in the right state of mind to be with Oliva," going into the studio getting Prince's attention he moved away from Oliva and stepped out into the hall with me, placing the phone on speaker she was still going off and the look of horror and shock on Prince face didn't give me any comfort. "You know what fuck this shit !" hearing the phone hang up me and Prince just looked between each other, "What in the world is going on with her ?"

"I don't know man she just called me demanding me that I bring her Oliva and when I tried reasoning that she wasn't in the right state of mind well she snapped I can't call Terrance he's out of town right now, what do you think we should do ?" watching as he ran his hand through his hair, "Look just let her cool off I am sure it's not that deep you know let's just leave it be." going back into the studio he left me alone but I couldn't leave it be something was off about the way that women was snapping and from everything her and her brother had told me about her past she could get dangerous and I didn't want her to end up hurt. 

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