Chapter Nine

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The next night as soon as I was sure that everyone was asleep I snuck out. I had to make sure Titan was safe. I jumped out of the window of my room, looking around carefully as I cross the Camp, making sure that no one was still walking about. When I reached the edge of the forest, I pulled off my clothes and shifted.

In my wolf form I picked up my clothes with my teeth and walked into the mouth of the forest. I circled around the forest a couple of times, making sure no one had followed me. I'd been a little paranoid lately. I always felt as if someone was watching me. I thought of Koretta and how she love to find a way to get me out Queen Tailah's good graces.

I walked through the forest that lead to the river that separated Titan's land from ours. It was completely dark tonight. It was fortunate that my eyes could see amazingly well in the darkness. A breeze blew and I could smell the sweet scent of the forest. It still bewildered me, the smell of the trees, the flowers, and the river. As a human I could never notice the intense smell that they gave off.

I picked up my pace. I wanted to get there as soon as possible. I needed to make sure Titan was alright.

I reached the river and shifted back to my human form. I dressed quickly. I still had that eerie feeling that someone was watching. When I finished dressing, I caught a glimpse of my refection in the river. At times I look nothing like my old self. I looked away not wanting to become the next Narcissus.

I wasn't a vain person but I could tell I had become more beautiful. Samara always joked about it and I hadn't realized it until just a couple of days ago when I was looking at the pictures in my digital camera.

I heard an owl off in the distance and remembered what I was doing. I had to make sure Titan was okay. The guys had been so standoffish last night. They wouldn't tell us anything. I was pretty sure nothing big had happened but still I worried.

I hated jumping into the icy river to suppress my scent to make it less noticeable to Elsa. She was still angry that I hadn’t been killed. I’m sure that if she was the first notice me, she would start some kind of fight. I bent down and stuck my hand into the water and shivered. How could something be this cold so close to summer? I was glad I decided to wear shorts and a T-shirt tonight. They would dry quickly.

Just as I was about to jump in, I heard his voice. I'm glad I got a whiff of him before he spoke because if I hadn't I would have screamed. How the heck did he always do that? Being a Lykán didn't make me any less of a scaredy cat.

"You don't have to do that tonight. Only Samara and Kyros are at the ranch." Titan informed me. He jumped across the river. The movement felt like a light breeze against my skin. He smiled at me again and I thought I would turn into mush right there at his feet.

He leaned in and kissed me quickly on my lips. I didn't even have enough time to react. It happened so fast that I almost missed it. I was kind of sad. I wanted more. He captured my hand in his. "Let’s take a walk. I want to give Kyros some time alone with Samara."

I looked at him confused. "Why?"

He chuckled before answering. "They need some time alone and so do we. We haven't seen each other in three days."

"That's right. How did you know I was going to be here?" I asked.

"I've been here for the two past nights waiting." He replied with a grin.

"Oh..." Then I blushed remembering I had been naked. "Oh my god. How long have you been here?"

His grin grew showing his perfectly white teeth. "A while."

"You saw me naked?" I sputtered.

"I didn't see anything. As soon as I realized what you were doing I turned around. I am gentleman." He reassured me.

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