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When the snow melted so all you can do is write abt it...

So I'm starting to get uncomfortable writing "Clay" Just because I'm so used to hearing "Dream" so I'm going to start to call him "Dream" If that confuses you guys to much just let me know and I'll go back to "Clay" (:

George and Dream had made there way to a park only 5 minutes from there bus stop, they stopped there so they could discuss what they were going to do

"Dream can I pleaseee play in the snowww" George said shaking Dream begging him to let him play. "George your not wearing enough clothing, your going to freeze" Dream said just trying to look out for George. "Please!!" George said pouting. Dream rolled his eyes at George knowing he wasn't going to be able to stop George from playing in the snow. "Fi-" "YAY!!" George cut off Dream as he got up and ran around. Nobody was really out at the park because of the weather so nobody besides Dream was watching George

Dream chuckled as he watched George fall into the snow after tripping. George was laughing so hard he couldn't even get up. George was far enough away from Dream that Dream couldn't see him laughing, Dream was worried George had hurt himself as he stood up and ran over to George. "Are you oka- oh" Dream stopped as he noticed George was just laughing. Dream himself started to chuckle along with George. Dream reached for Georges hand to help him stand up, George complied and reached for Dreams hand, but instead of getting up he pulled Dream into the snow with him. Dream had landed on top of George as they both stared into each others eyes as the snow collected along there face and hair. Dream was just admiring how adorable George was with the fluffy snow in his hair

Dream softly connected there lips as he began to calmly kiss George. Dream pulled back after kissing George for only 3 seconds. "George your literally shivering please we need to get you somewhere warm" Dream said concerned from feeling Georges shivering lips. "Can we kiss a little longer?" George asked disregarding Dreams worry for him. "George your going to get hypothermia-" Dream attempted to say before George pressed his lips against Dreams. Dream fell into the kiss as they laid in the snow together. It was a soft and simple kiss that lasted about 20 seconds before Dream pulled away. "Okay can we go get you warm now?" Dream asked after George was satisfied. George nodded him head as Dream helped him get out of the snow

George and Dream walked through the thick snow looking for somewhere to go. "Dream we have no money" George said looking at Dream with concerned eyes. "I know George" Dream said cutting George short. They were going to have to get some of job. "Dog?" George randomly blurted out. "Huh?" Dream said confused. "Dog, like work at a animal shelter. C'mon it'd be fun and we'd get paid...not much but it's a start" George said introducing a cute idea. Dream smiled as the two walked around looking for a shelter 

After a good 30 minutes of walking in the pure winter they found a cute shelter across the road. George and Dream crossed the road as they entered the shelter. "Hi this is McLane's shelter how can I help you?" A sweet younger lady said at the desk. "We were wondering if you guys were up for hire?" Dream said hoping they had a chance there. "Oh! Yes actually! We've been needing new workers!" The lady said stoked at the fact they might be getting more workers. "Great! We don't have a job or money so anything will do" Dream said as his smile slowly faded at the last words. "Oh...I'm so so sorry, we will take good care of you here. The pay here is $15 per hour" The lady said smiling at the two. "$15?? Dream said shocked at how high the pay rate was for a animal shelter. The lady chuckled and nodded his head. "We'll take it!" George said bouncing up and down. "Sorry he just really likes animals" Dream said putting a hand on Georges shoulder. The lady chuckled as she brought them to the back so they could get a look at what there job would be like

"So this is where we keep all the pups!" The lady said showing all the dogs. Georges smile lifted even higher as he saw the dogs weren't in small kennels, they had there own little homes with a nice sized yard to run around with toys, food, and water at there side 24/7. "This looks so nice" Dream said also admiring how nice the dogs had it. "We make sure our dogs get the best treatment they can possibly get" The lady said as she continued to walk past the dogs. "Wait whos this?" George said stopping at one of the dogs. "Ah that is Snow! She is a lab mixed with a husky, her lab shows on her body while her husky shows in her vocals! She truly is a sweet dog, her legs are a little short for her body but we just find that as more of a reason to love her!" The lady said as George stared in awe at Snow. "You can go inside and play with her if you'd like, she's a little shy" The lady said as she opened the gate letting George inside. Dream stood there as he watched George chuckled as Snow started to non stop lick him. "She likes you" The lady said smiling watching Snow fall in love with George. George fell on his back as Snow continued to lick him, he was laughing so hard tears started to fall down his face

"I've never seen Snow like someone that much" The lady said pulling Dream aside. "Really?" Dream said shocked at the lady. "Yeah, she's really shy and normally doesn't let people that close to her" Dream smiled as he looked back seeing George playing tug with Snow, Dream let out a chuckle. "He's so adorable..." Dream said in a whisper. "Do you like him...?" The lady said softly. "What? Oh...I uh...yeah" Dream stuttered. The lady looked at him and smiled "Go get him" She said with a chuckle. Dream turned around and went into the pen with George. "Dream look at her!" George chuckled as Dream came in and sat behind George hugging him from behind. "She's great isn't she?" Dream asked kissing George on the cheek. George melted into the touch of Dream. It was so soft and calming. The lady was about to go in tears from how adorable the two were. George and Dream both stood up as they gave Snow there last pets

 "Hey um...we really don't have anywhere to stay" Dream said kicking himself back into reality. " you don't need to worry about that! We have a cute cabin about 5 miles from here, it's isolated with a really nice view. We were going to sell it but if you guys will work here we'd be glad to give it to you" The lady said smiling. Dream was in absolute shock, they were about to get a wonderful job that pays well and a house. "Y-Your amazing thank you so much" Dream said as his eyes started to water. George noticed Dreams tears as he grabbed his hand and held it tight

mmm I'm on a roll...well not really but every since the hardship that's been going on this is the fastest I've released a chapter from the last one! Maybe because this chapter is really cute and I was so excited to write it haha, anyways!! I hope you all have a wonderful day! Can you maybe drop my insta and tiktok a follow if you haven't already...?

Insta: Alexhashonked

Tiktok: Alexhashonked

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