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"Hey Nat, Hi Y/n" greeted Tony us."Have you still trained Y/n?" 

"Uhm yeah a  bit," I said a bit shy. He nodded. "Maybe you want to show the others what you can do right away." *W-what?! He wants that me show the other how strong I am?!* I was unsure. *What is if I embarrass myself?? And that before everyone else?! I don't even want to imagine how embarrassing it will be.* It felt like Tony could read my mind.

"You don't need to be scared! I saw you and you are really good" He said cheerfully to me.

"And if he says this it is true. He doesn't say that often" Nat smiled. Now I started blushing. I looked fast down. That was so embarrassing. 

"Maybe we should go inside" Tony opened the door for us. It looked even more beautiful on the inside than on the outside. Everything looked modern and with the latest technology. I didn't know where to look first.

We ran towards an elevator. Which was also huge.

"Friday please bring us to the 6th floor," Tony said. A computer voice replied: "Of course Mr. Stark" I was a bit scared "Bloody hell what was that ?!" I looked around in amazement. "I'm Tony Stark's personal assistant on Friday." answered the voice. I was a bit scared of the voice so I whispered, "Why is it called Friday?" "should I explain to you what my name stands for?" said the voice again "uh yes" I said confused and afraid. "Friday stands for *Female Replacement Intelligent Digital Assistant Youth*" she spoke very colloquially. "Cool, Can you do something else?" I didn't know where she is so I looked around. 

"You can ask me anything you want. I will give you the right answer to everything. You can also talk to me like a person. I am like a security system for the house, I see and hear everything!" "That's really cool! So if I ask you if you can do my homework would you do it?" I looked hopeful. "I could but I won't you have to do it on your own" I groaned. "Do you know my name?" I asked "Yes, you're y/n Romanoff" How do you know? "I looked shocked, I couldn't remember my name being said." You forgot that I know everything. Besides, they have been talked about a lot lately. " "Really? " I looked at Tony questioningly "No ... so yes ... we'll explain that later" he looked nervous. Now I really wanted to know! We have now reached the 8th floor. The sun shone through the window. But no ... you couldn't call it a window - one wall was a window. The window was so clean that it looked like there was no window at all. The view was beautiful. I would love to stay here all day. But Nat pulled me with her. 

"Do not fall asleep" she laughed. "We have much to do"
She pulled me out of my thoughts.
"oh sorry. It is so beautiful here!"
"Yea I think so too," said a voice behind me...

Again please give me feedback :D
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