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(y/n POV)

"Is that your plan?!"  I looked at him confused "that's the worst plan I've ever heard! We can't just walk in there"

"We have the surprise moment on our side"

"2 against 1000?! You will die!" 

"Do you have a better plan?" 


"And how does it work?" 

"We pretend you've kidnapped me and then we need some information first what they are planning, what they know, "

"and that should work better than my plan?"

"Yes, I'm sure!"

"Okay, come on" He pulled a rope out of his pocket and tied my hands behind my back.

"Ouch, not so tight!" He loosened it up a little "come on!" He ran in front of me.

"It's not that easy to walk over hills with no hands! So don't tell me to run faster!" He stopped and picked me up

"what are you doing?"

"We don't want to arrive tomorrow morning, do we?" He carried me on his shoulder with the metal arm.

"Your shoulder is hard!"

"I didn't choose to have this arm!" He said annoyed.

I couldn't see anything because my face was in his back. My hair was hanging down and swinging back and forth.
"How much longer?"

"not long" I didn't have to run, but it was also exhausting to hang on his shoulder.

Suddenly an arrow was shot into the tree next to us. I screamed briefly



"Don't worry y/n you are safe now!"
"But..." I was interrupted by a second arrow. Bucky let me down and pulled a knife

"What do you want?!"

"Just leave y/n to us and we won't do anything!" Clint aimed an arrow straight at Bucky's heart. "no!" answered Bucky. Clint was about to let go of the arrow when I stood in front of Bucky. "Stop! We're friends!"

" What? "Nat looked at me confused

"Get out of the way y/n!"




"If you don't go away I'll shoot" Clint pointed the bow at me. 

"Come on! Dare!"  I glared at him.  He thought about it for a moment, then he pointed the bow at my leg and shot. The arrow buried itself in my thigh and the pain inevitably came in.

"Ouch! Are you crazy ?!"  I tried to hold myself upright. 

"Get out of the way now!" 

"No!"  I gasped. 

"YOU CAN'T SHOOT HER LEG!"  Bucky went to Clint to

"Stop Bucky!" I held his arm tightly "I'm fine! Come on, let's go! I can't see their faces anymore!"  I turned around and tried to walk as normally as possible. But after 4 steps I fall to the ground. 

"Y / n we should go home" Nat took a few steps towards me. 

"I do not go anywhere!" 

"What's going on here?"  I turned around

"Peter?" Peter stood in front of me as Spiderman and now took off his mask. "What are you doing here? Is this going to be a family reunion now?" 

"I uh I was worried! What about your leg?"  I looked at Clint reproachfully

"I was shot for defending a friend" I didn't care if he got a guilty conscience or not. I just wanted to move on with our plan. 

"Who? What? How? I don't understand anything anymore!"  I rolled my eyes. 

"Does anyone have a t-shirt or something?"  I pressed my hands to the wound to stop the bleeding.  Peter took him 'I survived my trip to NYC' shirt out of his backpack and gave it to me. I grabbed a stick and quickly made a pressure bandage.

"What were you doing here anyway?"  Nat took turns looking at us. Now Peter seemed to realize that I wasn't alone here.

"Who is that?"

"This is Bucky" should we tell them?  Bucky and I looked at each other

"Okay so" I started talking.  From the moment I first met Bucky and until now. I wasn't interrupted once.  What a miracle! 

"That was all!"  I finished my lecture.  For a few seconds, we were only started. 

"Why didn't you say anything?"  asked Nat. 

"Well, you wouldn't have taken it well that I was looking for answers in the forest in the evening"

"I would have come with you!"

"You are not mad at me?" 

"I'm your sister not your mother" she laughed and I hugged her. It felt good to hug her again after a long time.  Bucky cleared his throat

"Should we go ahead with the plan then?" 

"Y/n is injured! We'll do it tomorrow. Everyone together! Unless y/n is still injured then she can't with"

I don't like this capture that much I don't know why :(

The story will be soon over

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