#1 Wand Stealing and Train Troubles

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"Fia, I swear to Merlin!" I bellowed down the stairs, bounding down them after her. Making no effort to keep quiet, like a herd of rampaging elephants, as I flew down them two at a time.

Fia, my wand in hand, grasped the railing end with the other flinging herself around and scrambled into the kitchen, almost knocking our father over at the same time.
I charged at her, with full intent of tackling her down just to get this wand back.

"You know," she blurted, having no time to finish that sentence before narrowly dodging a rugby tackle. Fia decided to put a barrier between us, shielding her body behind the kitchen table.
"Ever since you went to that magic school, you even started to speak funny!"
Whatever that meant.

I planted my self opposingly across the table, every side step I tried Fia just went the other way.

"Fia I swear to... god if you don't give me my goddamn wand back, I'll hex your bloody legs together." I hissed threateningly, my brows arched in an angry, playful expression.
With a new found smirk, Fia jabbed my wand through the air at me.
"Ha!" She boasted, "you're not allowed to do magic outside of your little boarding school." She pranced around on the spot waving the wand around as if to mock me, jokes on her, she would've sold her soul to have magical abilities like me and our mother.

"Yeah?" I narrowed my eyes, crouching into a postition ready to lunge for her again. "Try me."

I faked a right lunge, before hastily switching direction. She grunted as I caught her, holding tight to make sure I didn't lose her again. Then I forced her clutched hand open, physically prying her fingers off.
She was fritzy, like a deer, as Fia wiggled to get loose, we almost crash-landed into our mother who yelped disagreeingly.

"Christ you two!" Mum held tightly onto the pasta pot to steady it. "Give it a rest and sit down." She grumbled, mumbling something about sudden bursts of energy at seven o clock at night.

"And," Mum reached over my shoulder to swipe at my wand, "I'm confiscating this," she waved it in my pouting face, "no leg-locker cursing your sister."

"Dammit!" A huff came from my mouth, as I sulked over to my place at the round table beside Dad, secretly flipping Fia off. Who just did it back.


"Quick, stay close Fia." Mum motioned for Fia to catch up with us as we squeezed our way through mass amounts of awaiting passengers.

Dad held tight to the Trolly holding all my stuff on as Mum grasped Fia's wrist, head darting between the wall between platforms nine and ten, and the clock that hung onto it. Dad pushed me forward as I took the runner and disappeared through the wall.

We had 3 minutes until the train leaves for Hogwarts. Everyone had pretty much boarded the train, and the only people standing on the platform were parents and loved ones, waving at the windows of the gleaming Hogwarts Express.

Mum ushered me over to the man smartly dressed in a uniform, seemingly waiting for stragglers, such as myself. He smiled pleasantly at me as I handed him the trolley, removing the bag containing my uniform. I watched him walk away, before turning to my family for rushed goodbyes and boarding the train.

As I breathed in the old smell of the Hogwarts Express, I turned to face the window, leaning against the metal lining the glass and waving at my parents and sister stood on the platform. As I watched them fade into the distance, a soft chugging placed in my ears, I turned away from them and made my way through the corridor, taking quick glances through the glass doors to see if Mattias or Trixy were in there.

I finally found the two near the back of the train in an empty compartment, thank god. I smiled as I pulled the sliding door open and Trixy's head spun to scowl at whoever was interupting her bitch talk, before inevitably realising it was just me.

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