Chapter 2

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When I get home, I take a seat on the couch while Cardan and Nicasia go to the wine cupboard and get 3 bottles of wine. They go flop on the other couch opposite me and offer me a bottle, I refuse with a shake of the head Cardan says happily "fine, more for us" and opens  a bottle, Valerain shouts from the kitchen "I'll have some of that". A few moments later Valerain rounds the corner running and grabs one of the bottles that isn't open and jumps onto the seat next to me. Cardan being already drunk says "hey, you didn't even say please" then they all burst out laughing, me being me takes this opportunity to tell them that I like the mortals "I LIKE THE MORTALS" they stop laughing and become serious. Cardan starts laughing being to drunk to care and says though his laughing "Ok, do it. It will hilarious when they find out you like them both", the other two having not coming to this conclusion until now burst out laughing. Me feeling happy because I have been approved says "yes it will won't it" then laugh with them imagining there faces.

 Valerain is first to go into a drunken daze then falling asleep mid air, him doing this then makes Cardan laugh and Nicasia snort which she only does when she is tried. Cardan and I both know this means bed time, it is nearly midday. I head off to bed saying "night", I hear a faint "night" in answer. Going to sleep that night was easy. No worries. 

The next day I am first to wake up, I wake up Valerain because I know he will get up the rest of them. When he goes around shaking Cardan and Nicasia all they do is grunt in return, and as usual Valerain can't be bothered so he grabs a half empty bottle of wine and pours it on Cardan and Nicasia's head. Nicasia wakes up shaking and angry, which is normal. But Cardan just grunts an angry grunt, once again normal. I go grab a unopened bottle of wine open it and pour some in a glass, I go to Cardan and give him the glass. He takes a sip and slowly gets up, looking embarrassed. He has never looked embarrassed before, He notices me staring and instantly goes back to his smirk. I say still confused "we need to get to class, like now", still in the same clothes as last night we set off doing our hair on the way. When we get there Cardan beckons over a girl with deer horns named poesy, Cardan whispers something in her ear and she laughs. We all go to our usual spot that is already set out for us, sprawling across the blanket Cardan sits next to Poesy, and Nicasia sits next to me and so does Valerian. Nicasia Valerain and I start talking, we talk for around 10 minuets then the mortals walk in, one of them glances at us and then keeps walking with her sister to where they sit. Nicasia sees me staring and says in a judgy voice "are you really going to go through with what you said last night?", in answer I look at her and do not speak. Her face goes white, then she slaps me on the arm and explains "Cardan was just joking, he doesn't want you to do that, and Val hates them". I laugh then retort "That's what makes it so fun".

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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