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"Ahh brothers, nice of you to finally join me" I smirk. "Enough with your games Mazikeen" Thor booms angrily. Loki just stands quietly next to him with a straight face.

"What games?" I look at him with a mischievous glare. "Why won't you fill in that paper thing that Lady Natasha gave you? It'll help everyone gain your trust more so you can get your magic back sooner" He looks angry. Uh oh.

"I do not care for their trust. They are mere mortals and once these bands are gone, I'll be on my way. Then you won't have to deal with me. It's simple but those mortals don't understand." I shrug, turning to fold my hooded cape and place my gloves on top in a neat pile at the end of the bed.

"The only way you'd ever get me to sign it is if we come to some sort of agreement" I walk back to the glass door of the cell and face them with a plain look.

"I'm sure we can sort something out sister. Thor go and get the others so we can sort this out" Loki finally speaks up, Thor nods and walks out quickly.

"You finally spoke. I was beginning to get worried because you made no snarky comments." I laugh a little. "I did. In my head" He chuckles just as soon as the others walk in, including Bucky, Peter, Wanda, Pietro and Sam.

"Alright Mazikeen. You wanted to make an agreement so what is it?" Steve says. "I have a feeling what I'm about to say your going to either say no or try and negotiate the terms but it is worth a try." I shrug as Steve steps forward.

"Fury doesn't know that we're here so make it quick or he'll send you back to wherever you came from" Steve demands. "Okay okay chill out" I chuckle. "I will sign that form in a months time and when I do, Loki takes the bands off my wrists. Or. I never sign it, I break these bands off myself and I kill all of you other than Loki and Thor" I smirk.

"It seems like there's only one safe option" Bucky says and I roll my eyes. "Of course there is idiot" As soon as I say that him, Sam and Steve glare at me. "Is there an option where you sign it now?" Natasha says, stepping forward.

"There is but none of you will like it" I reply coldly. "What is it" Clint says. "Well... If you want me to sign it now then I get to take one of the bands off my wrists so that I can use at least half of my magic" I look at Banner which a mischievous glint in my eyes and he shivers.

"I will also like some privacy. Like allowing me to walk around the tower without an escort" I finish off. "So the options are, you sign it in a month and Loki takes the bands off, you don't sign it and you take the bands off yourself and kill all of us or you sign it and have at least one of the bands off so that you can use half your magic as well as no escort around the tower" Tony contemplates for a minute.

"You have 2 days to pick an option since I know you have a mission tomorrow" I smirk as they all walk out other than Loki and Thor.

"Why do you have to make things so difficult" Thor sighs angrily. "I'm not being difficult. Just using one of the few skills Odin taught us when we were younger. You know. Before we found out our true heritage" I say.

"Cap told me that he couldn't get the ring off your finger and that he got blasted back when he tried to touch the spell book, why is that?" He asks. "I new it would be a possibility so I put a bounding curse on both items meaning only I can touch them and remove the curse" I reply with a cold tone, obviously lying as to not getting Loki in trouble.

"Are we done here? Ide like to get back to doing nothing in this sorry excuse of a holding cell." I smirk. Thor just shakes his head and walks out, Loki on the other hand somehow used his magic to turn the cameras off so we can speak without the watchful eyes of the Avengers.

Cap's POV:

"So what should we do. We only got given 3 choices." Clint says. "And only 2 of them are mildly safe the other one entails us all dying" Thor adds on. "Is she really that powerful where she can kill us all? Big woop, she has magic. So do some of the people here" Bucky asks, rolling his eyes.

"I'm afraid so. Her abilities are far more complex than mine and Loki's. She can destroy a whole building and much more in seconds and can easily harm all who come near her. Especially when she's mad or heartbroken" Thor says just as Loki walks in.

"Her mad can't possibly be as bad as when Banner looses control could it?" Tony questions, turning to Loki. "Im afraid it might be. She could possibly help calm down Hulk when Lady Natasha is busy" Loki answers.

"So your saying, pick the 3rd option and hope that she doesn't find the tesseract and escape with it" I turn to Thor. "If you want those papers signed now then yes it would appear so" He answers. "How do we know we can trust her to not do that?" Nat asks.

"My sister may be somewhat evil but I know once she makes an agreement, she won't break it unless we do." Thor turns to her reassuringly. "I usually would hate to agree with this oaf but yes he is right" Loki says, nodding to Thor.

"So are we going with the third option?" Tony looks to me. "I think that's the only choice we can if we want these papers signed now" I sigh, standing up and everyone follows suit.

"We'll complete our mission and give her the answer tomorrow Avengers. Suit up" And with that, everyone runs off to get ready. Everyone except Loki. He still isn't part of the team yet so most of the time he doesn't go on missions.

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