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Chaeyoung wouldn't trade anything for mornings like this where she could wake up and the first thing she'll see is the most angelic face she ever adored in her whole life. Mina looked more pretty when she's asleep, when she's so vulnerable like this. Sleeping so soundly inside her warm embrace and Chaeyoung can't stop but to fall more harder and harder.

After years of being together, it's really strange how can she still feel butterflies whenever Mina smiles at her, looks at her with those beautiful pair of eyes, those kisses and warm cuddles. I guess this is what it really means when you already found your other half.

It's another busy morning or should she say, a busy day. Back to her usual routine of dropping Maddie at school and Mina at work. It's tiring and exhausting but she'll be willing to do this everyday than to feel that emptiness again like what she felt yesterday. It hurted her so much watching Mina and their kid walked out of the house and rode a different car. Chaeyoung never knew that a ride to work can be that painful.

Once she already pulled over in front of their studio, Somi was already waving at her from the inside. Chaeyoung was handed with a coffee the moment she entered.

"Wow! Am I witnessing a miracle?" Chaeyoung teased Somi as she sat on her workspace.

"I was asking the same, actually" Yeri seconded.

Somi rolled her eyes at them and snickered. "Just be thankful, you brats! I just woke up with a good mood, okay?"

It was a hectic day for the three of them because of so much deadlines. Chaeyoung checked their schedule and they need to be out of town starting tomorrow. Just by thinking about it make her head hurt, she really hates far locations for their photo shoots.

"So.. for tomorrow's schedule, do you think the three of us are enough?" Chaeyoung asked Yeri and Somi. "It's not quite far but still, we need to bring lots of stuffs"

"I was thinking the same. I think we'll really cram" Somi agreed.

"I have a friend who's working as a freelance photographer too" Yeri said that earned Chaeyoung's attention. "If it's okay I'll ask her if she wants to tag along"

"That's much better, Yeri. I hope you can convince her" Chaeyoung said while massaging her temples.

Somi walked up behind her chair and removed her hands. She replaced it with hers, doing the massage and Chaeyoung could only close her eyes because it felt good. Her head is aching so bad.

"Don't stress yourself too much, it'll really make your head hurt. I am here.. Yeri too, we got this okay?"

"I know.." Chaeyoung sighed. "It's just that.. you know I don't like going out of town like this just because I have to work. I don't want to be that far away with Mina and Maddie"

"Such a dramatic sappy lover!" Chaeyoung can really imagine how Somi was rolling her eyes while saying that. She pressed real hard on her temples and Chaeyoung had to swat her hands away. "It's just 2days and 1night! You couldn't be missing each other that much"

"Oh poor girl, you really have no experience on this" Chaeyoung teased and Yeri laughed so hard.

"She's a hopeless case Chaeng! I think we need to do something about her before she could turn as bitter and as clueless like this"

"Whatever!" Somi walked back to her seat, annoyed. "Anyways, don't bother about our accommodation. I got it, I'll be the one to reserve for us"

It was a long and tiring day for the both of them but instead of resting, Mina's helping her pack her stuff that she needs to bring. Sometimes Chaeyoung wonders what if she ain't got Mina in her life? Would it be too different? Will she struggle alot? But then again, as she's watching Mina do these things for her, her heart always comes up with a quick answer. It'll be sure hell different. And right now, I can't live without her.

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