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Mina was so sleepy as she's typing on her computer. She kept on yawning and wiping the tears that are forming in her eyes. Chaeyoung had to leave early so she also needs to wake up at the same time, Mina actually tried to go back to sleep but she was afraid that her and Maddie would just be late.

"Stop yawning, missy. You're infecting me with your sleepiness!" Eunha whined and also yawned.

"I'm sorry.." Mina laughed. "I woke up so early that's why"

Eunha stood up and Mina's eyes followed her until she finally left their office. She continued doing her workloads, trying to fight her sleepiness away. But no matter how hard she tries to fight it, she's really dozing off.

"Here.." Mina was literally startled when the bottled coffee made a loud thud when Eunha placed it on her table. "To help you stay awake"

Mina smiled at her and quickly opened it. "Oh I really need caffeine.. thanks, Eunha! I'll treat you later"

Mina winked at her and they both laughed. "No need, just.. stay awake"

The coffee really helped her because Mina was able to survive the whole day without giving in to her sleepiness. Talking to Chaeyoung also made her more alive, specially when she's assured that her wife arrived there safely.

"Wait, Mina.. where are you going?" Eunha asked in confusion when Mina just kept on walking with her to the parking lot.

"There?" Mina answered while pointing at her car. She almost laughed on Eunha's shocked face.

"Wait! You know how to drive?! Well, of course since you have one here.." Eunha was literally answering her own questions. "But, where's your boyfriend? Why didn't he pick you up?"

"Stop asking questions, I need to go" Mina playfully nudged at Eunha while she enter her car. "And I don't have a boyfriend. See you tomorrow!"

Mina has already picked up Maddie when her phone rang, it was her mom. She connected it to the car before answering it.

"Hey mom, everything okay?"

"Yes Mina, I just want to invite you over for a dinner" Mina could hear clanking of utensils, which she suspect that her mom is already cooking. "Chaeyoung is not around right? You can eat and sleep here if you want"

"Alright mom, but we need to go home first to get mine and Maddie's clothes for tomorrow. Wait for us there" then Mina hanged up and turned to Maddie.

"We're going to sleep at grandmom's house. Do you like that, bub?" she smiled at her and the news got Maddie so excited.

"Yes mommy! I want to sleep there so I could play with Mochi" Mochi, her mom's dog. Ever since Maddie saw it and had the chance to play with it, she's been bugging her and Chaeyoung to get one for her. But of course, they won't allow it because no one will take care of it.

"Okay okay, you can play with Mochi all you want" Maddie gets so giddy at the back and Mina could only shook her head from too much smiling on how cute her daughter is.

Once they arrive home, Mina packed some of her and Maddie's clothes that they need for tomorrow. She also helped Maddie to take bath first and changing her clothes into her favorite pink bunny sleepwear. Mina let Maddie watch cartoons first while she's also preparing.

Before taking a shower, Mina decided to call Chaeyoung first so that she could update her about their sudden sleepover. She knows her wife won't mind, in fact she knows Chaeyoung would bel glad because her and Maddie won't be alone but still, she wants Chaeyoung to know. The line just kept on ringing, it was already her third try. Mina checked the time and it's almost six in the evening, there's no way they are still doing a shoot.

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