Chapter Two

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"Oh Alex!" Her mother cried, suffocating Alex with hugs.

Zahra was standing on the porch, one arm limp by her side and the other one holding it. Her brother Alex had arrived. She hadn't seen him in six months, he had been at college, trying to get a degree in writing. Zahra personally thought getting a degree in writing was a waist. Why would someone need to go to college to learn how to write better? Writing also is usually unsuccessful. She knew there was a reason, but she didn't feel like pondering about it too much. Because of that it went into the stupid-divisions part of her brain.

"Hi mother," Alex said, kissing the top of her head, He got his mother's genes. He had blonde hair and was short for a boy. Zahra was almost taller than her twenty-year-old brother. She didn't want to be taller than him, so she was super glad when she stopped growing. He was serious. Zahra was sometimes not sure if he even had a sense of humor. It was hard having the only person she could joke around with was her father. Sometimes she wished she could joke about things only girls would get, but her mother was also serious. That was why Zahra loved school, freedom from her serious life, and yet another thing she was leaving.

"Hey there, hi there, ho there." Her father said, walking out of the house and hugging Alex. "How is my oldest?"

"I'm great father." He replied, giving him a quick hug. "I need to tell you all something, can we go into the living room?"

"Sure." Mother smiled nervously, and they started walking up to the porch.

"Hey, you never said hi to me!" Zahra cried as they started to walk past her. "I have not seen you in months and you just walk past me?"

Alex turned. "Hi."

"Hi." She faked a smile and followed them back into the house. They stood around the living room awkwardly waiting for Alex to say something. It was just like Alex to start pacing. Zahra rolled her eyes and started to tap her foot.

"What is it Alex?" Papa finally said.

He sighed. "I've decided to join the army to fight the Bloemens." Her burst out

"What?!" Zahra and Morher cried at the same time. Papa just shook his head sadly.

"You can't do that?" Zahra cried. "The Bloemens have the best military force ever. If you go against them in battle, they will destroy you! There is no way Zon will survive this!"

"Zahra! Don't say that!" Papa yelled. "Our military is just as good as the Bloemens!"

"Papa, don't lie to yourself!" She shook her head, "Just think about it. I know out country is bigger, but most of our country is peaceful towns. In Bloemenveld every town at least has a force of five hundred."

"That is just what they want us to believe. We can win this war easily. That is why I am going to join the army too."

That shut everyone up. No. Zahra knew for certain if her father was to join the military, he would die. Alex has a chance of surviving, for he was young and quick, because he was so small. But Papa, with his back problems and him not being able to walk faster that a job, he would die surely.

"Thomas, you can't!" Mother breathed, "Please, none of you go!" Tears were starting to fall down her cheeks. "Please don't leave me as a widow! Alex, Thomas, just stay home and safe!"

"Charlotte, I love Zon and I want to help in every way I can," Papa said. "And if I am to die, I will die knowing that I died for my country."

"Papa, think, if this all worth dying for?" Zahra said quietly.

Every head turned towards her, "what are you saying Zahra?" Alex retorted. "Are you saying that it is not worth dying for our country try and we should just ignore it? Hmm, maybe we should just call ourselves Bloemens!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2021 ⏰

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