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"We have something important to tell you two," she pauses and looks over at Courtney's dad and smiles. "Stephen and I are getting married," she holds up her hand and shows off the ring. Courtney and I look at each other in disbelief. I didn't really know what to think. On one hand I was thinking about the fact that Courtney and I just slept together and now we will be step brother and sister.

That alone is creepy and not right but, we didn't know that they were even dating. I mean I knew that mom was dating someone because she brought it up a few weeks ago. She never said who she was dating though. If I knew that her and Stephen was dating I would have never had slept with Courtney and I am sure she is thinking the same thing.

On the other hand, I'm pissed off because she didn't tell me who she was dating until now. I'm not sure if I am ready for someone to come in and try to play father. Don't get me wrong Stephen is a good guy but after what mom and me went through with my biological father I am not ready to trust someone around me and especially around her.

"Excuse me! Your what?" I didn't really know what else I could say. I was confused and trying to make sense of it all. I look over at Courtney and she was beet red. I couldn't tell if it was anger or the fact that now we will be step brother and sister knowing that we just slept together last night. "Were getting married," she said almost disappointed at the fact that I didn't jump up and down in excitement screaming daddy! Daddy!

I felt the anger in me starting to rise, "This is bullshit!" I storm outside to my car and to my surprise Courtney was close behind. I didn't say a word, I let her get in the car and we took off.

I had no real destination when we left I just needed to get away from mom and Stephen. We drove around for a bit, with neither one of us saying a word. We were too scared to talk. I mean we're step brother and sister for god's sake. How would you even start that conversation?

After about an hour of just driving I pulled into the parking lot just outside of the park. I'm not sure why I came here considering this is were last night started. But, I find this place to be peaceful and calm. A place for someone to think.

We walk through the path to the benches that sit by the lake. We took a seat and looked out over the lake in silence. The silence was eerie and went on for a half hour until finally she turned to me, "That was unexpected." I give a slight chuckle, "Yeah. Very." After that we fell into silence again.

"Did you know they were dating?" I looked over at Courtney and shook my head, "No. I mean I knew she was dating someone but she never told me who it was." I almost felt guilty for not knowing. Here I am trying to protect my mom from guys and I didn't even bother to find out who she was dating. "I didn't either. I knew he said he was going out on dates but never said who with." Well that makes this situation somewhat better, I suppose. I mean at least we didn't know before we had sex. Of course if we knew we probably wouldn't have had sex in the first place.

She looks at me with tears forming in her eyes, "What do we do?" I didn't know what to do. I did know if this got out we would be labeled and made fun of, at least until graduation. Of course she has one more year left so it would be more traumatizing for her. Luckily, the only person that knew about us going out was Holly.

"We can't tell anyone about any of this for starters," she nodded her head in agreement. "Yeah, but what if people ask about our date or when they find out about our parents." I wish I knew how to answer these questions, "We deny ever going on a date that's about the only thing we can do." She looks back out on the lake, "Courtney everything will be okay I promise." Surprisingly, she gave me a hug and said, "Okay."

The rest of the day I avoided mom and Stephen like the plague. The rest of the weekend was like that. Anytime mom and Stephen were together I just wanted to hide out in my room listen to music or studied my college brochure over and over. Now I really couldn't wait to get into college and away from this town.

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