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After are little argument with Tyler, things mellowed out. We went and hung out with Tyler and Jennifer for a bit. After that Brad and me went our separate ways to hang out with our friends. It was weird the more my friends pulled me away the lonelier I got.

It was amazing though that he wasn't jealous and always checking up on me, like Chris did. I have never been in a relationship where my boyfriend wasn't jealous. Of course we really ain't dating that might be why he isn't checking up on me.

He could be just like every other guy I have been with and be the super jealous type. I don't know why I am jumping ahead for I mean we aren't a couple. He probably doesn't even want to go out with someone like me.

As the night goes on I become more and more lonely. Seeing everyone kissing and dancing around just makes it worse. Now all my friends have went off with their boyfriends. As I was walking around nursing my fruity vodka Tyler comes up to me, "Hey Hol."

I turn and to my surprise he was alone, "Hey where's Jennifer?" "She went off with her friends. So where's Brad?" Why would he ask me where he was I'm not his keeper.

"I don't know." He looks at me like something was wrong. "Holly, are you okay?" I nod, "Yeah. You did a good job on the party. Probably the best one yet."

He smiles, "Thanks. But I can't take all the credit now can I. Without your help it wouldn't have been this good." I smile, "Maybe, I should just throw the parties for now on considering my parties are obviously better." He chuckles then gives me a little shove.

"Anyway how are you and Brad doing?" I looked at him confused, "You know, you two have been getting closer past couple of days and I know you have liked him for a while even when you and dumb ass were going out."

"Tyler were not going out." He sighs, "I know that but why haven't you asked him yet?" I shake my head, "Tyler let's not get into this. Besides he will be going off to college before long."

"So? Look I want you to be happy and it seems like Brad makes you smile more then you used to." I looked at him for a second trying to think of a way to end this conversation. Thankfully Brad comes up behind Tyler, "Hey guys." Watching Tyler jump about three feet in the air made the night that much better.

"Jesus!! Brad you fucking ninja." We all laughed. "I am going to tie a fucking bell around you. Seriously, all year with this sneaking shit. Your going to give me a damn heart attack." We laughed again at his over dramatic theatrics. "Anyway, We were just talking about the party." Brad nods and slaps him on the back, "Well, Jennifer is looking for you." He nods and off he goes.

Brad turns back to me, "So, you having a good night?" I nodded. I was having a good night, well sort of. I just can't stop thinking about him. "That's good. By the way I don't know if I said this earlier but you look really good tonight." I couldn't help but to smile like an idiot, "Thank you. You look good yourself." I said that as I was eyeing him up and down like a perverted stalker.

I quickly tried to change the conversation so that he wouldn't see me drooling over him, "So, how many of those piss water's have you drink tonight?" Yeah, I froze. I didn't really know what to say in that situation. Hopefully, he will see it as funny and laugh about it. He laughed, thank god! "I haven't been drinking." All I could do is stare at him. Why would he not drink? I mean it is a party.

"Why not? It's a party. A graduation party at that." He looks at me and smiles, "You don't have to drink to have a good time. Besides, I have someone to drive home." My heart started fluttering and I couldn't help but be all giddy on the inside. Usually, I am the person that drives the other home because they have been drinking and can't walk straight let alone drive.

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