Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: House Of Glass 

"Oh, this house of glass was never made to last. Got the windows stained with memories from our past. And as we drift apart it all begins to crack. It took so long to build but all fell down so fast." 

Grayson Aldine 

My heart was racing as I drove back home. I couldn't even call it a home. Mel's place was my home. The place I was driving back to was merely just a building that I stayed in for a short amount of time. 

I was angry. Beyond angry. Livid even. He was going to hit her. I knew it. He was always a damn pussy. 

I clenched my jaw tightly, my grip on the steering wheel growing stronger as I thought about the chance of my father even putting his hand on my girl. 

My girl. 

She wasn't mine. She hasn't been mine in years but the thought of her being someone else's didn't sit right. Because she wasn't. She would always be mine. Even though years had gone by, and I had been with other people, I still felt the same feelings I did for her from the last time I saw her. Complete and utterly consumed. 

Her beauty, her touch, her glow. She grew up beyond what I thought she would be and yet she was still the exact same person I fell in love with all those years ago. Head strong, refused help and kind. She was the one person I never wanted to lose and then I lost her. I let her go when I never should've. 

It didn't matter that I had just turned 18 at the time, if I had the choice to go back, I would've chosen her. She was the one person that I always felt complete with. The one who I saw myself in. I thought that she was going to ruin me, make me weak, but she was the one who gave me strength. Even after all these years, she was the reason why I continued to push myself. In hopes that one day, I would get to see her beautiful face again and make her proud. Make her mine. 

I could tell how much she was hurting inside. I knew she was distancing herself from me to protect herself and I didn't blame her. If I was her, I'd do the same exact thing. I could only hope that I would be there to catch her when she falls. 

When I arrived at the house, gone were the feelings that Mel made me feel and in came the storm that had been brewing inside of me for days. 

I went straight into my dad's office, knowing that that would be where he and mom were. He was always working and mom was always begging for his attention. 

"I see you finally made it back." He didn't even bothering giving me a glance as he continued looking through some of the papers on his desk while Mom sat perched up in her seat with another full glass of wine. 

She was never complete without a glass of wine. I hated her. 

"You were going to hit her." The words tumble out of my lips before I could stop it and Dad merely shrugs. 

"That girl needs to learn her place. Her parents never disciplined her. It's no wonder she turned out the way she did." 

"Don't talk about her or her parents." I grew defensive. Her home was my home. It had always been that way for as long as I could remember. Her father was more of a father figure to me than my own father ever would me. 

"Why are you suddenly so interested in this girl again Grayson? Didn't you learn from last time that nothing good comes from her family?" I scoffed, crossing my arms, not believing a word. 

"Tell me the truth." I needed to know the truth. I had been avoiding them all this time for this. I needed to know if what she told me was true. 

"What?" He can't even look at me. Can't even spare a glance to his own son. As if looking at me for just a split second would be too much time taken away from his work. 

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