Chapter 36

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Chapter 36: Trevor

I could not do anything else to stop Mew's plans because the kids are already here. I did not want them to know about the tension between Mew and I. This problem is between us only. The kids are out of this. So even if it was against my will, I agreed to the idea of the four of us eating together.

Did the kids see what Mew was doing to me? I hope they didn't! Gosh! What would the children think then?

Mew is really annoying! I will never let that happen again!

One by one, Mew moved the lunch boxes to a dining table here in my office. The two kids were restless on their chairs which seemed that they were very close to each other.

I wonder if they played together while in the nursery?

Mew Jr. looks exactly the same as Mew except for the color of his eyes which are blue. He probably got them from his biological mother. Who is his mother, anyway? Mew's ex-girlfriend?

I felt a slight pain on my chest.

On the other hand, Hugo looks so much like me when I was only five years old.

"Papa, look. There are chicken nuggets! My favorite," Hugo happily declared.

"I made sure that I brought your favorite, budd," Mew replied. He patted Hugo's head lightly. I stared at him. But he just smirked at me.

"Really, s-sir?" Hugo asked shyly.

"Just call me papa or daddy."

"Really? I can call you papa?" my son asked excitedly.

I quickly went in front of Hugo, blocking his vision of Mew.

No way!

"No Hugo," I warned him as I glared at Mew. I could not see Hugo's reaction because my back was against him.

"Why Papa? Maybe he can be my second papa," his voice was disappointed.

"No. I am your only papa. And that's final."

"Fine, Papa," the frustration could not escape his voice.

Hugo, please don't make this harder than it already is.

"Why don't you let Kuya Hugo, Daddy Gulf?" Mew Jr. groaned.

What the fuck? Who did he just call daddy? And Kuya Hugo? Does that mean Hugo is older than him?

I turned to the boy but instead of showing him that I got angry with his words, I just smiled at him, like how an adult should treat a child.

"Just call me Uncle Gulf, Jr. Not Daddy Gulf."

"But Daddy said to call you Daddy Gulf." Jr. frowned. "And please call me MJ. That's my nickname."

"Oh I see. Sorry MJ. But please just call me Uncle Gulf too. That's my nickname. Let's eat," I said bluntly. I couldn't hide the annoyance in my voice anymore because I really don't want him calling me daddy. Sorry MJ. But we are not a family.

I sat down next to Hugo who has a frown on his face. Mew sat down in front of me and started putting food on MJ's plate. I did the same with Hugo's plate.

"Start eating baby," I told my son.

"No/Okay." Hugo and Mew answered at the same time.

I glared at Mew. Thank God these children are still innocent. And Mew should behave. He is really getting on my nerves.

"Eat Hugo or I'll give all the chicken nuggets to MJ. You'll be left with nothing," I joked, convincing him to eat.

"Let Hugo call me Daddy," Mew interrupted.

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