4. Mama Jinnie

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Here i was, sitting at the kitchen island chopping onion. Jin thought i was cursing him the moment he greet me, so he made me chop onion for the ingredients he gonna cook. TMI, i never chopped an onion in my entire life and this is hurting my eyes and my pride.  Jungkook already go back and we didn't really look at each other faces after what had happened.

' Why the heck my body moves by it's own? Why can't i control myself? Is this some effect i got from the accident? But if i think more about it, what if jin didn't come by that time? What would happen to us? Will us actually s-s-sleep t-together?? Like, together? Me and him? Me and jungkook??! My long nemesis? No! I must be crazy!! I must be!!'

"Err.. jae are you okay?"

' No. This is not my fault! This is his! I just got caught up in the moment. Who doesn't? I am perfectly a healthy adult! But why? Why did i find him hot? THE FUCK IS HAPPENING TO MY HEAD? AHHH JEON JUNGKOOKKKK!' i palm my face unknowingly to hide my own  embarassment.

"Jae aren't your han-"

"AHHHHH MY EYES! MY FREAKING EYES!" I ran to the sink to wash my eyes but that doesn't help me a bit because i haven't wash my motherfucking hands and the stings in my eyes are getting worser. Thankfully, Jin were there to save the day

He cupped my face in his large hand and studying whatever he needs to see. Like always, his gaze is always warm.

'Wait, this is too warm'

"Umm.. Jin?"

"Are your eyes still stings?"

"A bit."

His face move closer and all i see is his plump pink lips. 'What? Is he trying to kiss me? Nooooo. Jae reject him! Why the fuck is my body unable to be control right about now? Shit!'

I closed my eyes tightly but i didn't sense him putting a kiss on me no no. instead, i feel a wind blown out gently by his lips. Seconds later he forcefully open my eyes so he can blow into my eyes.

"How about now?"


'What a stupid of me thinking he would actually kiss me. Pfttt!' I jinxed that, because jin did kissing both if my eyelids after that.

"There you go. Good as new. What were you thinking tho?"

'Woah.. that did not just happened'


"S-sorry jin. My mind just blowing up you know. Thinking of some, thangs"

"Remind me to book you a specialist and get your head check" 

"Yeah i think so too"

"I'm just joking" He smiled and give me a gentle pat on my head. "I know you still suprised with what happened the night of the accident"


"Let's continue to make the lunch then we can watch some movies"

"Okie dokie!"

"Just you watch. I'm gonna blow your head away and focus on me Jae"

"Emm.. okay?"


'Is this what he meant by ME focusing on HIM?'

I was currently sitting on him like, literally on top of him! I don't know how this could turned out like this but here we are. He suddenly just pick my body up and put me on top of one of his thigh with both of my legs in between his leg and he just hug me from the back. like, WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!

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